Ride the dragon toward the crimson eye
Flap the wings under Mars red sky
The reptile pushes itself out into space
Leaving behind, the human race
Swim inside the solar seas
The Nebula cries out to me
Passing where I've gone before
I fly on through the crimson door
Ride the dragon toward the crimson eye
Flap the wings under Mars red sky
The Druid
Far within the oaken tower
Exists the one with evil power
Magic channeler of earth's frustration
The Druid sleeps in meditation
Evil Gypsy / Solomon's Theme
Insect caravan pulls its way
Through the freezing and misty haze
Gypsy casts a spell of frost
Frozen solid our lives are paused
Glass village lies below
Castle of sleet with magic glow
Trapped inside icy glaze
The burning sunlight sheds its rays
Escape the tomb of deadly freeze
To the village of glass we have the keys
Ice people everywhere once inside
At home again the insects ride
Some Grass
Trapped inside a world under leagues of ocean
The clergy arrives with the magic potion
I put my mouth into the cup of potion
Sip down the nectar and escape the ocean
Reaching for the sun, leave Atlantis, escape the sea
Fly into the sky, leave behind Atlantean key
Reaching for the sun, leave Atlantis, escape the sea
Fly into the sky, leave behind Atlantean key
Escape the sea with ascending motion
I touch the sun and return to ocean
Holy Mountain
Slumber killed by rays of the new red sun arising
Dreamer wakens to spectral gaze of light rays shining
Black steed carries him across the astral sand
Rides along is the man from the magic caravan
I believe the signs of the reptile master
Sunbound spacepod rising faster
Earth drenched in black under starless sky above
Man on the mountain sets free the holy dove
Look onto the rays of the new stoner sun rising
Sonic Titan rides out on clouds of new horizon
Look onto the rays of the new stoner sun rising
Sonic Titan rides out on clouds of new horizon
Inside the Sun
Traveling toward the atomic sky
Passing through the wall of light we fly
To the center of the sun we go
Discovering secrets no one else has known
Within the center of the galaxy
Away from Earth and all its misery
Traveling toward the atomic sky
Passing through the wall of light we fly
Toward the center of the sun we go
Discovering secrets no one else has known
Within the center of the galaxy
Away from Earth and all its misery
Pressing on into the burning sky
Burning spaceship it's time to die
Our ship explodes
Our work is done
We've left our lives
Inside the sun
From Beyond
Choir of the sun chants inside the anti moon
Shockwaves rattle the Earth below the hymn of doom
Chilled rays freeze below the eye of silver sun
Damned souls gather in valley of the evil one
Phantasmal specter of two worlds collid
Planetoid soaked in rays of electric light
Sonter caravan from deep space arrives
Rides on the sun craft toward the glowing eye
Walk with the cleric under eye of silver sun
Damned souls gather in valley of the evil one
Choir of the sun chants inside the anti moon
Shockwaves rattle the Earth below with hymn of doom
Nain's Baptism
Snowblind (Black Sabbath Cover Bonus Track)
What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles within my brain (cocaine)
Something blowing in my head
Winter's ice, it soon will spread
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold
My eyes are blind but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free
I feel there's no place freezing me
Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow
Don't you think I know what I'm doing
Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong
You're the one who's really a loser
This is where I feel I belong
Crystal world with winter flowers
Turns my day to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun
Will my ice age ever come?
Listen to this while reading the lyrics. Or just listen because this album is fucking AMAZING!