You couldn't stop making faces? Somehow, I can believe that, and because it's you saying it... watching those old legendary farts musta been brain boggling!
Really glad you got out of there in one piece and with a tad of sanity! HA, I go to the local Mickey Keys right now (12:30am), it's fucking swamped with people! :( Yeah, I had the same reaction last week (this is food?!)... was like a waste of trip. We got Boston Chicken (another McD's company) around here too, but its on a weird section of Thunder-road, so I haven't been in there yet.
All I did tonight was go shopping, before midnight, when the sales change. One pretty little blond chick with a mini-cart gave me an interesting look... 9.5/10, I'll just crack a smile and nod, wait half a second for a reaction - got none from her, I hardly get a reaction from anyone. What I should've done, was not break eye contact and approach her... ask her what her first thoughts of me were (honestly). ._.
Anyway, I hope you get copies of all the stuff your sis shot, and maybe post a few of the more interesting ones...
God damn. One hell of a night, broseph.
Yeah I guess it was ._.