I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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Saw Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson last night

Posted by Viper - June 29th, 2013

Just going to start of saying it was a fairly decent ride there (took like 1 1/2 hours). But when we got there we ended up driving around for a bit trying to find a place for parking to get in there. Then we ended up waiting for like 15 minutes in line just so we could get in the building.

The opening band (whose name escapes me at the moment) was terrible! They were this Emo band that I've never heard of and none of us (as in my family) knew they were going to play because there wasn't anything saying they were going to be going on. During their set the singer shouted out to the crowd that she wasn't to "hear some noise" and hardly anyone "made any noise" hahaha. Then they ended their set with a butchered cover of Crazy On You by Heart.

Like 15-20 minutes later they finally started putting stuff up for Manson but they put up a giant black curtain so you couldn't see the stage. Then a few minutes later the lights went down and there were flashes of light behind the curtain and you could see Manson and the other members of the band walking around and when the curtain went down they started playing Angel With The Scabbed Wings. Then went into Disposable Teens and then No Reflection and The Dope Show. I can't for the life of me remember the rest of the set list. But I know they also played Sweet Dreams, Personal Jesus, Antichrist Superstar, mOBSCENE, The Beautiful People, and Rock Is Dead. The crowd went crazy when they started Antichrist Superstar (the second to last song). It got to the point where I heard more crowd than music hahaha. Then they managed to go crazier when they played The Beautiful People. During like 75% of his set this couple two rows in front of me kept standing up and made it hard to see him playing because they were moving around like crazy the whole time. Then (thankfully) they left after Manson was done. A bunch of other people left too....which I found weird since I felt Alice Cooper did a better job than Manson did. Then again like 80% of the people that went there mainly went to see Manson so...yeah.

Then it was Alice's turn onstage. Honestly he did better than both the opening act and Manson put together.
He opened with Hello Hooray then went into House Of Fire. After that he played No More Mr. Nice Guy, I'll Bite Your Face Off, Poison, Hey Stoopid, and Billion Dollar Babies (not necessarily in that order). After which he left the stage for a bit and came back on with a bloody lab coat and they did Feed My Frankenstein. Halfway through he had a mask put on him and was strapped to a table and was "electrocuted" and when the smoke cleared he was gone and this giant Frankenstein puppet that had someone in it showed up and sang the rest of the song. Afterwards he showed up back onstage with his snake singing Is It My Body. He has put into a straight jacket and sang Ballad Of Dwight Fry. During which two people (and Nurse Rosetta) came on stage the two other people kept grabbing him and he I guess shoved them away (i don't really know how to describe exactly what he was doing haha) and Nurse Rosetta was dancing around him onstage and then he managed to get his arms freed and tried strangling her. She the took out two syringes and stabbed him in the legs with em. One of the other people onstage grabbed him and then the other got out the guillotine. Alice was put in there and then was decapitated. After which him and the guillotine were carted away with Nurse Rosetta following behind, but one of the other people stayed onstage and was playing around with Alice's "head" while the rest of the band played I Love The Dead. Then Alice snuck back onstage dressed in a somewhat shiny jacket and top hat and played Welcome To My Nightmare.
Then the final song of Alice's set was Schools Out. Halfway through they started playing Another Brick In The Wall and they had a bunch of these giant inflated balloons fall from the ceiling and Alice took out a sword and started slashing them all up and a ton of glitter fell on the people in front of the stage. After which he introduced everyone on stage and at the end of introducing everyone he said "And playing the part of Alice Cooper.....*then all of the lights went off* ME!" then they finished Schools Out and left the stage. Everyone in the crowd was going crazy and cheering then the band came back on and started playing I'm Eighteen and Alice went on with this crutch under his arm. A bit into the song Marilyn Manson came back onstage and sang with them. Alice threw the crutch to Manson but Manson missed it and it hit the stage (haha) but other than that the song went on without any problems and then the concert was over.
Also there was A TON of confetti and it ended up all the way back where I was and I got some in my hair ._.
(I forgot to add this but I got some of the confetti that fell on me and kept it and its sitting on my desk)

Then when we went outside there were some protestors out there saying we were all going to hell because we went to that concert. To be honest. I'd rather go to hell than be in heaven with those people.

(I'd put up a picture from the show but I was kinda far away and my camera doesn't have a zoom on it so I had to use my sister's and the picture quality was really crappy)

Here are the set lists according to setlist.fm (fyi I don't 100% trust these set lists because really anyone can edit em but its the closest I'm probably going to get to what was actually played)

Marilyn Manson
Angel With The Scabbed Wings
Disposable Teens
No Reflection
The Dope Show (w/ Happiness Is A Warm Gun Intro)
Rock Is Dead
Great Big White World (he threatened to shoot everyone who didn't say HEY in the face)
Personal Jesus
Prelude (The Family Trip)
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This
This Is The New Shit
Antichrist Superstar
The Beautiful People

Alice Cooper
Hello Hooray
House Of Fire
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Billion Dollar Babies
I'll Bite Your Face Off
Is It My Body
Under My Wheels
Hey Stoopid
Dirty Diamonds
Welcome To My Nightmare
Go To Hell
Feed My Frankenstein
Ballad Of Dwight Fry
I Love The Dead
School's Out

I'm Eighteen (with Marilyn Manson)

Saw Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson last night


Oh my potatosalad a new post!

Yep ._.
Its like....a once in a blue moon occurrence xD

whoa ._. this is new!

Yes. Yes it is ._.
Steve told me to make a news post about this.

Newer than the smell of a brand new new-car air freshener :l

yep ._.

Excellent story sir! I had heard about the new (Alice Cooper) act a few months ago, glad you enjoyed it!

A buddy of mine had won a VIP ticket and a meeting with Alice in the 1980's (from that heavy metal station I like so much). Luckily, it was after Alice had quit drinking. Anyway, my buddy Frank said he was calm, polite and honest about his past... Frank took the limo ride with him to the gig, and stopped asking questions about a 1/3rd of the way through the trip through. He said the silence was mutual and respectful, and Alice even remembered his name when they got to the gig.

I wish I could have gotten to meet him....he seems like a really cool person.
And I would have tried to see if I could have gotten him to autograph my ticket and take a pic with me xD now if the latter happened I would have put that up on here. But unfortunately we left immediately after the show ended so...yeah....

Any help for this guy? Staggy..... hmmm
<a href="http://demon-slayer12.newgrounds.com/news/post/852536">http://demon-slayer12.newgrounds.com/news/post /852536</a>

I don't know how I could help him ._.
I know a band called Stag. But thats totally different.

Ah, just a thought, since you're a man of the music n all... Guess I'll forward it to Kupia and leave it at that ._.

Oookay. Have fun with that.

not aa manson fan. sounds like an excellent show though.

Same here. I pretty much just went to see Alice Cooper.

and now im gonna eat ya

oh no :c

Wish HLT would talk with us :|

Yeah....me too ._.

One thing's for sure, she's a bigger rock star than all 3 us guys put together. Big kudos to her brass, especially in these digitized and decadent (impotent) days.

Her brass? o.O

moxiegritcouragesteelfortitudecharacterresolve ......_.

OH okay.

and because it was either too wet or too hot out to fill it.
and it's 75$ a pickup ._.


alice cooper was recently in my town but i didn't see him so that's the end of that

I see....

Dumpster... luckily I don't think they picked up today. But they did screw up an overage charge that my sis paid. All the BS when my brother was here and they ended up paying too much for a 10 yd dumpster they managed to fill in one day, and over weighted besides :|

Those fucks, they did pick up today >:(

OH okay. Wait weren't we discussing that in a PM?

Yeah it was in a PM... I wrote you a response, but it didn't go through >:(
So how're your responses looking from the BBS lately? I seem to get 60% good responses, and the rest are just puerile.

Eh nothing has really changed response wise for me.
Mostly people reacting indifferently to what I post. A few times I get a positive or negative response.

I'm going to try and keep my BBS comments to a minimum... When I got a smoking gun or a beacon of light that outshines what I see writ, then I'll comment.

Sometimes whole pages go by, and still you kids do not see the forest for the trees..... As time goes by, my non-internet childhood and rural living should be an asset, if I can find anyone talking about anything worth a damn in real life.

Good morning sir, I trust you're doing well, blood and pain free n' whatnot.... I expect to see a lot of panting cats this evening, as it just hit 100 degrees outside, and it's not even 11am yet :|

How's the local news been?

It's been up that high for the past couple days around here. Though it's supposed to rain either late today or tomorrow morning.

Okay I guess?

Y'know I heard a great portion of the hinterlands below Chicago, are going to be sprayed with a combo of radioactive particles and some chemicals, to track what would happen if a terrorist attack happened. Should be sometime this Thursday. Hope the satellites get a good look-see


Ahh, my hair's on fire and my kidney just blew up yaaargh lol

O.O how is your hair on fire!?!????!?!
And what happened to your kidney o:

So I hear you've taken up knitting the hair that's on your rug, because it's been killing vacuum cleaners left and right. Making a scarf for your Serbian waif?

Actually one of my psychically connected cats told me... apparently one of your cats accidentally licked down enough of your stray hair to rat you out about it.

I have? o.O
(refer to my comment on Nick's post for the Serbian stuff)

Thats....weird xD

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