I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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Saw Black Sabbath

Posted by Viper - August 17th, 2013

Just going to say right now it was an amazing show. Granted I would have liked Bill Ward playing drums but the drummer they got sitting in there (Tommy Clufetos or however the hell you spell his last name) was still pretty good.

It was like maybe a 45-50 minute drive up northwest to where the show was in Tinley Park. Me and my sister were driving up there to meet up with her friend and she was going to hop in my sister's car and then we'd drive the rest of the way there (like another 10 or so minutes). On the way there we nearly missed our exit because there was a semi in front of us and we could hardly see anything on either side of it because well....it was a semi. Semis are kinda big haha.
Earlier in the day my sister and I went to a mall nearish to here and we were going to see if we could find her a Black Sabbath shirt to wear there since she didn't have one. The only ones we could find that would fit her cost too much and didn't look all that great. Well while we were in the mall we decided to stop off at F.Y.E. and I finally got my hands on a copy of Master Of Reality on CD. Though they fucked up the track times for Solitude and Into The Void (it said Solitude was 8 minutes long and Into The Void was 3, when Solitude is like 5 minutes and Into The Void is a little over 6). They had a "buy one get one half-off" on regular priced CDs and I was thinking about grabbing another Sabbath album because they had all of the Ozzy Sabbath albums there but I just went with Master Of Reality.
Now back onto the concert stuff.

We arrived at the venue like 2 hours before anyone was even going on! I honestly have no idea why we had to show up so early... So we were kinda roaming around the parking lot for about 10-15 minutes then found a gate to get into the place and stood there for another 20 or so minutes. Then they decided to open the gate up and let us in. Right as soon as we got in there was beer, beer, beer, and more beer all around us....which isn't really surprising since it was a concert and a Sabbath concert at that. So we decided to walk past all that and go to the lawn but while we were walking over there I noticed out of the corner of my eye that at the merch table they had a Black Sabbath shirt that has a giant pot leaf on it. So I said to my sister that she should totally go over there and buy it, haha.
We got to the lawn at little past I think it was 6. And we got some pretty decent "seats" there. We were right on the edge of the lawn and like 20 or so feet away from the actual seating area. Then while we were waiting for Andrew W.K. to come on they pretty much played through an entire ACDC live show. Then after we were standing there for like another hour or so and DJ WK (Andrew W.K. was just doing DJ stuff so me and sister called him DJ WK) finally came out. And all he did the entire time (for a little under an hour) was just stand there barely moving at all and play music. The only thing he did other than that was he told the audience that he had a t-shirt gun and was going to shoot it off into the crowd. Which he did. Like 3 times. All in relatively the same spot. All I can remember of the stuff he played was Electric Eye, Raining Blood, Cum On Feel The Noize (the Slade version), some Pantera song, Seek And Destroy, and an Iron Maiden song. My sister didn't recognize Electric Eye when he started playing it and turned to me and asked "Is this Iron Maiden?" to which I gave her a very weird look and told her "No. This is Judas Priest!" and then she felt stupid for asking and nearly fell over laughing at herself.
Then when DJWK's "set" was about over he kept yelling out to the crowd that we were "having an almost once in a life-time opportunity to see "The Greatest Heavy Metal Band Of All Time"". And I think people were mostly cheering because they wanted him off the stage so Sabbath could play, hahaha.

I'm going to start off by saying this. All the time during Sabbath's set Ozzy kept yelling the following multiple times to the crowd. Let me see your hands!, Hows everyone doing nothing?, How are WE doing tonight?, Put your hands up you fuckers!, and stuff like that constantly through every song. Also like halfway through the set I had this obnoxius drunk dude behind me who wouldn't stop shouting "YEAH!" and "FUCK YEAH!!!" through the rest of the songs. Most of the time it was at really weird times too. Like even at slower parts where people weren't cheering as loud. I also think he was the person who splashed what I'm pretty sure was beer all over my back -_-

Then after he finished some people came and put this giant black curtain up in front of the stage. Then a giant version of Black Sabbath's winged devil logo shown on the curtain. And Ozzy came out onstage and started laughing into the mic and everyone started cheering. The lights went down. Then, sirens started going off and red lights went on onstage with the curtain up. Then Tony Iommi walked onstage and played a power chord and held it for awhile and went right into War Pigs. In the background of the stage there was a big screen showing the band playing with two of Black Sabbath's devil logos on either side of it. While they were playing War Pigs they were showing "war related" footage on the big screen behind them. After War Pigs was finished they went straight into Into The Void. While they were playing they moved the camera onto Tony and since he was standing where he was the screen showed like 5 Tony Iommis on it. After they finished Into The Void they announced they were playing Under The Sun/Every Day Comes And Goes. I wanna say it was during either that or Snowblind he grabbed a random jester hat and was running around onstage with it on and after a bit threw it out into the crowd. After that Ozzy went up to the mic and said something along the lines of "This next song is about something we used to do all the time when we were starting off. We used to take truckloads of this stuff. Its a song about...COCAINE!" and then they started playing Snowblind. My sister was filming the show on her phone but her battery started dying after Under The Sun so she missed recording anything from Snowblind til the end of the show... When Snowblind finished Ozzy announced they were playing something off their new album and then they started playing Age Of Reason. After they finished Ozzy announced "next we're playing one of the first songs we ever wrote" and then they went straight into Black Sabbath. Everyone in the crowd started singing along with Ozzy during it and at points it was so loud you couldn't even hear Ozzy they had footage of an insanely pale chick with her mouth stitched up walking around a graveyard playing while they were playing. After Black Sabbath finished they started playing Behind The Wall Of Sleep. And to be honest I think I was one of the only people in the crowd singing along to it o.O After that Geezer walked over to one side of the stage and the camera went over to him and Ozzy shouted "ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Geezer Butler!" and the camera moved to his foot and showed him using a wah pedal because he was playing the intro to N.I.B. (its technically called "Bassically" but whatever). When they started that everyone started singing along again, haha. When N.I.B. they announced they were playing another "new" song and they started playing End Of The Beginning after which they started playing Jack The Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots and they had footage of half naked chicks dancing around and some were wearing fairy costumes. To be honest I am kinda curious as to where they got all the footage they showed.... Fairies Wear Boots ended and Ozzy said he was leaving stage and that the other members were playing Rat Salad. The Tony, Geezer, and Tommy technically only played the first half of Rat Salad before Tony and Geezer left as well leaving Tommy all alone hahaha. Tommy decided that he was going to stick around for as long as he could and played a like 8 minute long drum solo during which Ozzy announced "Mr. Tommy Clufetos everybody!" like 3 times. For the last like 20 or so seconds of his drum solo he was just hitting the bass pedal and the other band members came back onstage. They then started playing Iron Man. Though Ozzy when it came to the second verse he didn't sing. He just sang "Oooh Oh Ohohoh Ohohohohohoh Ohohoh" to tune of the song. Then they played God Is Dead? and people started freaking out almost as much as they were to Iron Man or Black Sabbath. When Ozzy announced that they were playing that I guess he forgot what was next and said something like "and now were playing...um...fuck..." then the lights dimmed a bit and Ozzy started singing something about Chicago. Then they started playing God Is Dead? After which they then started playing Dirty Women. In the background it showed nothing but scenes of chicks either topless, taking their shirts off, completely naked, dressed like 50's Pin-ups, and in one instance dressed in leather and whipping another chick. Needless to say I'm actually kinda surprised that (as far as I know) there weren't any chicks in the crowd taking their shirts off to that too xD I was actually very surprised to see they were playing that song since pretty much no one likes Technical Ecstasy. Then when that fun stuff was done Ozzy announced they were playing the last song of the night. And the only way they were going to be playing anything else is if the crowd "went fucking crazy!"after which the lights onstage went down and a single light shown on Tony and he started playing a bit of Embryo but then just started playing Children Of The Grave. I finally got my sister to headbang when they played that because thats her favorite Sabbath song. While they were playing Children Of The Grave some staff people came over to were we were and told this dude who kept standing on the fence and headbanging and fist pumping to EVERY SONG to stop or else they were going to kick him out. After they walked away he started doing it again anyways, hahaha. Right before I wanna say it was Children Of The Grave Ozzy went up to the mic and said "Hows everyone doing tonight? How are WE doing tonight? Should we do this again!?" and after every question everyone in the crowd just shouted random shit and no one answered him hahaha. After Children Of The Grave finished they left the stage. And a bunch of people thought the show was over. Until after like a minute Tony came back onstage and then Ozzy and they did the same thing they did with Children Of The Grave with the stage dark and a single light on Tony and then Ozzy said "Mr. Tony Iommi!" Tony then proceeded to play the intro to Sabbath Bloody Sabbath and the rest of the band got into it and after about a minute they all stopped. Tony held onto the last power chord and slowly slid his hand up the neck and started playing Paranoid. Now I mentioned earlier that everyone was going crazy while they were playing Black Sabbath. But I can't even describe how crazy they went for Paranoid. Everyone was thrashing around singing along fist pumping and headbanging while they were playing that. They decided to extend the ending a bit and Tony went a tad crazy soloing right after the song was supposed to have finished. When the song finished they all stood together in the middle of the stage and took a bow then left. After which they played Zeitgeist through the speakers while the lights came back on.

When they finished I turned around and noticed that a LARGE chunk of the people that were behind me had left and that the ground was covered in empty beer cans, cigarette butts, plastic cups, and other misc. crap that was just littered all over the place. Halfway through the show my sister's friend's boyfriend showed up and she introduced him to both me and my sister. When the concert was over our friend had him take a pic of the 3 of us and I couldn't stop making weird faces (and it wasn't even on purpose either o.O) and we just kept the second pic that was taken. After that we stood around chatting for a bit and walked out. While doing so someone kept shouting "WHO HERE LIKES JUSTIN BEIBER!?" and our friends boyfriend Greg said "I do!" so I went to my sister "I think that guy is a "Belieber" haha." then that same dude started singing Total Eclipse Of The Heart and expected someone to sing along with him but no one did then a few seconds later Greg sang other line and then I just picked up were he left off but no one sang with me :c then Greg turned to me and said "Hey this guy knows the song!" while we were about to leave I glanced off to the side and noticed a dude in a Sleep shirt. So I went over to him, pointed directly at him, and said "Dude, I love your shirt!" and he said "Thanks! Sleep is awesome!" to which I said "Yeah!". Then when I turned around to rejoin the little group of people I was with I noticed they left me all alone -_- took me a bit to find them but I did. Then Greg was talking about how you almost never see any musicians anywhere near the parking lot. Though he said that he: saw John 5 walking around doing...John 5 stuff, he got hit in the head with a soccer ball by one of the members of One Direction, and nearly got hit with a tour bus driven by Rob Zombie.
We completely forgot where we were parked and spend a couple minutes looking for the car and didn't get out of the parking lot for like another 15 or so minutes and nearly got smashed into by some dud who didn't want to stop even though it was our turn to go. We got out of the parking lot in one piece (luckily). And started the long drive home. About halfway home my sister turned to me and told me to talk to her because she was falling asleep. Now needless to say I pretty much completely blank out when someone just tells me to talk to them. So I didn't know what to talk to her about. And we nearly crashed like 5 times on the highway... When we were coming up to a town that we were pretty acquainted with I suggested that we turn off there and then I'd drive the rest of the way home but she said no, and that she was already going to turn off there anyways because she wanted to get something to eat. So we ended up going to McDonalds at like a 1/4 after Midnight and obviously the place was pretty much deserted. Even with that in mind it took forever for them to get around to getting my order. When I got out to the car my sister was nearly asleep and was startled when I opened the door and when I got in the car I realized I didn't grab any straws. So I had to go back in and get some and when I was leaving the building someone I know drove by and I waved but I guess they didn't notice me. While we were driving home I decided to eat what I ordered and well....I haven't eaten anything from McDonalds in years so I forgot what it tasted like and when I took a bite into my sandwich it tasted kinda bad ._. but I kept eating it because I didn't want to waste when my food. We finally got home at like 1 in the morning. And I didn't go to bed til around 3 because I was browsing around on here to see what I missed in the BBS and to vote stuff in the portal and get my exp.
I then passed out at like 3:10 and got like 2 1/2 hours of sleep before I had to wake up in the morning.

And thats it.
I couldn't take any pics because my phone was dying and my zoom is really crappy.



God damn. One hell of a night, broseph.

Yeah I guess it was ._.

You couldn't stop making faces? Somehow, I can believe that, and because it's you saying it... watching those old legendary farts musta been brain boggling!

Really glad you got out of there in one piece and with a tad of sanity! HA, I go to the local Mickey Keys right now (12:30am), it's fucking swamped with people! :( Yeah, I had the same reaction last week (this is food?!)... was like a waste of trip. We got Boston Chicken (another McD's company) around here too, but its on a weird section of Thunder-road, so I haven't been in there yet.

All I did tonight was go shopping, before midnight, when the sales change. One pretty little blond chick with a mini-cart gave me an interesting look... 9.5/10, I'll just crack a smile and nod, wait half a second for a reaction - got none from her, I hardly get a reaction from anyone. What I should've done, was not break eye contact and approach her... ask her what her first thoughts of me were (honestly). ._.

Anyway, I hope you get copies of all the stuff your sis shot, and maybe post a few of the more interesting ones...

Yeah...I can't really explain it. In the first pic my mouth was a tad open and I was looking up while leaning into the pic with my sister and her friend. The other one I can't really describe but it was kinda the same, the only difference was that I was looking off to the side.

I've never been to a fast food place like McDonalds THAT late at night before....at least I don't remember if I have >.>

You shoulda gone fer it ._.

Well she recorded it because our uncle asked her to record it all and I guess he was going to put it up on the internet or something. If he does I guess I can put links on here for em. I was going to put a video on here that has Rat Salad, the drum solo, and Iron Man but decided not to since its like 15 minutes long.

Ever consider putting this post and the Marilyn Manson post (the links) on your BBS sig?
Most BBS posts are sound bites... you've actually got 2 epics!

I actually have not considered that.... and I don't know how I'd fit that in there since I hit the max amount of characters in my sig.
Also I wouldn't really say they're "epics" ._.

Really? Forgot how many characters you're allowed... looks like you got 2 lines of text tho....
"I saw Black Sabbath and M. Manson", rats, that should fit...

I think I'm allowed up to 3 lines. And I too forgot how many characters I can use ._.
I guess I can try getting that in there....
I just tried and it wont work.

You guess :l?! Look at the wall of text above lol

Nah its totally not a wall xD

Whatever you say dude xD

blaaaah ._.

Maybe you could've made more paragraphs above... but I wouldn't sweat it, it's a damn fine dispatch/story!!

Eh, you could do what other trendy BBSers do, make this "." a link :\

I could have.....but I don't know what else I could have written...
Well thats not true. I could have talked about what me, my sister, and our friend were talking about before we got in. And what the people around us were talking about.

I could....but how would I tell people what the links are for?

Well, I meant more structure, not more words... still less paragraphs = saved space.

Pff, a lot of guys put mystery links in their sigs.

I see...

But I don't like putting mystery links in my sig ._. Though....I could link the pic I have for my sig to my last.fm account.

Eh, just an idle thought on my part....
In another week or two, I'll have a bunch of stuff from NG artists... still have to order the 4 seasons, here's just one of them http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/poxpower/giant-beach-pixel-banner

That looks cool.
I hate that links aren't working. Has anyone addressed this to Tom or any of the other staff members yet?

Like I'm a shop steward here lol ._.

Hope Tom makes a new post soon - seeing Unity games popup here recently has got me feeling... old? Dunno anything about it!

To be honest I have no idea what the hell Unity is ._.

Hence, my pissy statement/inquiry on his newspost :|

The competition has been using it for a while now, but we've been insulated..... or rather, have gone without.

I see. What competition does NG have other than Kongregate and Armor Games?
(well...we have YouTube when it comes to videos....)

Don't remember, but Ben Passmore (whose comix and hand drawn character just showed up today) said he was playin some game, and got 7th place worldwide for a few minutes... so I checked it out and found a glitzier version of NG that had unity support and some other jazz

Huh. Well thats interesting.
Also what did you get a comic of?

http://undernation.newgrounds.com/ He had two of them for cheap, so I got 2 of each, sent him 20$. It's about hungry individuals, wandering a post apocalyptic wasteland, but it's not what you think ._.

Oh I've heard of Undernation. I also know what comic thing you're talking about.

Just PMed him a thank you for the custom work he sent me... didn't ask for it, but it means the (ruined) world to me!

You should totally take pics of the stuff you got >.>

I just gotta say thanks for writing these two huge posts up. I really enjoyed reading them!

Thank you for taking the time to read them.
I'm more than likely going to do stuff like the above post (and the previous one) every time I go to a concert.

Yeah, but I'm just gonna wait till all of the stuff gets shoved into my snail maill box.
Then I'll just make a big post with links to the photos from the dump... since you can't add more than one photo to your blog :|
Could probably commission a Flash, but I'm so sucked dry of creativity (thanks NG), I wouldn't know what to write/suggest.

Okay. I hope you remember to take a picture .-.

Wanted to see them on this tour, but wasn't able to. :( At least I got to see Heaven and Hell with Iommi, Butler and Dio, though. :D

Ozzy actually sounded better than I thought he would. Which surprised me a little.
It was still a pretty awesome show though.
Aside from me getting beer splashed on myself -_-

My sis will be here in a few days.... are there any parts/tools/antique car stuffs I can put aside for you? Ask your Pop and/or Uncle, send me a PM of wish list items... man, don't want to see all this stuff go for pennies on the dollar :| Got some really old car/engine manuals too.

Congrats on making LT :)

Oh whoa, I didn't even notice that I ranked up o.O

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