I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




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Been an eternity since I made a post...

Posted by Viper - October 23rd, 2014

Well I guess I might as well make a post.

Since my last one (about 7 months ago) a bunch of stuff has "gone down". Got a job, been to a few concerts (some coming up), bought some random crap, yadda yadda yadda.

Concerts I've been to since I last posted: Ghost/King Dude and American Sharks/Big Business/Red Fang. Next sunday I'm going to see Sabaton/Skeletonwitch/Amon Amarth and then in December I'm seeing Red Fang/In Flames/Opeth.

I'm also doing that "31 Days of Horror Challenge" my current movie list is as follows:

01 The House That Drips Blood On Alex
02 Phantom of the Opera
03 The Evil Dead
04 The Evil Dead 2
05 Horror Hotel
06 Candyman
07 The Giant Gila Monster
08 Day of the Triffids
09 Bloodsuckers
10 Satanic Rites Of Count Dracula
11 Lady Frankenstein
12 The Terror
13 Dead Men Walk
14 Silent Night, Bloody Night
15 House On Haunted Hill
16 The Omen
17 The Last Man On Earth
18 I, Monster
19 Night of the Living Dead
20 Dawn of the Dead
21 Day of the Dead
22 Re-Animator
23 The Wizard of Gore
24 The Phantom Planet
25 Alucarda
26 Le Noche del Terror Ciego (Tombs of the Blind Dead)
27 Fiend Without A Face
28 Within The Woods
29 Texas Chainsaw Massacre
30 La Noche de Walpurgis
31 Army of Darkness

And done :P


Glad you've got venues to attend in the future... I should really look, before Halloween at least.

Been doing my own movie watching, but nothing from a list. Guess I've been dipping into my germ based movies lately like Doomsday, The Andromeda Strain, no classic zombie movies as of yet... go figure.

Yeah. Gives me something to do other than work. And I don't really like just sitting around having nothing to do all the time. Though I COULD have gone and changed the rear tires on my Ranchero today....eh whatever. The reason they needed to be changed was because they're going flat.

Oh. Is there any that I listed that you haven't heard of? That first one is actually by Tommy Wiseau. The dude who made The Room. It's only like 13 minutes though. Dunno if it'd count but I'm still counting. And even if it doesn't count I'll watch an additional movie so I'm at exactly 31 by Halloween.

You can find the Living Dead movies on YouTube. Actually the vast majority of these movies were gotten off of there. Used a site called Offliberty and ripped the movies off of there and saved them onto my computer. Really wish I could find Army of Darkness and Let The Right One In and didn't have to pay to view it on em though. If I get a functioning vcr reeeeal quick I can watch both on my PS3 since I think they have both for sale on PSN and I have money on there that I can use.

New tires are a good thing, so happy I got them for Pop's truck, seeing as 3/4 were going flat... gotta get that kinda stuff done before winter, might as well be now. I got front brakes and ball joints to do, as well as get the truck washed and waxed a few times, just to keep the salt/calcium at bay |:

...glad you asked, I took another look, maybe half of them I recognize! Though I probably have seen a few of those.. over the years, the names loose meaning, but the plot still remains in memory. It's a good list, I'll have to check them out :)

Lol, I should've checked out VHS sales on ebay sooner... I definitely have some rare creeper flicks in the trailer (I got from a friend who bought a video rental place)

Yeah. Though its the ones that were on it when we initially got the Ranchero. We just need to get the rear tires off of it so we can actually move it around since we can't right now due to both rear tires being flat.

Really? Which ones? I downloaded I think 3 more movies today. Castle of Blood, La Noche de Walpurgis, and La Noche del Terror Ciego (aka Tombs of the Blind Dead). They're all good movies. I'd mainly recommend: I, Monster, Horror Hotel, Satanic Rites Of Dracula, Re-Animator, and Alucarda.

Like what? Just out of curiosity.

Do you have the new tires, or have to buy them and get them mounted? I'm so lazy haven't changed a tire by hand since Pop was alive |:

Can;t think of any specific ones, but mostly were made by weird 35mm to VHS gamblers, like: Midnight Video, Massacre Video, Wizard Video... any old tapes made by them seem to be rare and worth bucks, though the tape I had Lloyd Kaufman sign didn't seem to pricey for sale, though it was rare... and very hardy considering I screwed up the tape while renting it... seemed to play fine!

Nah. They're just the old tires and rims that were on it before. It had a set of plain mags on it that gave it a weird rear raised up but front lowered a bit stance to it. We're going to put those rear tires back onto it and wait til I can get new tires all around til we put the rear Cragers back on it.

Hmm okay. Can't say I have any tapes that are worth really anything. Then again I can't think of any tapes I have other than really Pulp Fiction and a clusterfuck of I don't know how many other ones I have in my room at the moment.

Buying movies back in the day used to be damn expensive, kept people in work renting them :\ The they got all cheap, DVD's came in, but by that time, all the really old and odd cassettes got scooped up by collectors. My sis is flying in tomorrow :p Probably have to leave the farm in 2 months, still a lot of cleanup here left to do I guess..

Yeah I know what you mean. Though my childhood was kinda the whole transition from vhs to dvds, I still rented vhs til I was no longer able to do so. Then when all the video stores sold their tapes all the good and weird ones were gone super super quick.
Oh. Wait. What are you going to do then? Are you going to try finding a job and like an apartment or something?

IDK about an apartment... I grew up in the country, so was thinking of a small rental house away from the cities, so it's cheaper. I'd be awful leery about living a few inches away from someone else O_0 I can't find a permanent place in 2 months while I'm getting the farm cleaned up for the new owner, as well as packing my shit up, and tending the rental next door...

Yeah I can see how that'd be like a major shift going from where you're at now to something like that now that I think about it. Well try to find something. I don't think anyone on here would want you being out on the street or something.

Even if they did, winter's a killer man... did you watch that whole list? Think I watched about a dozen flicks in the past month, or more, sometimes I put a movie on while I'm working around the kitchen, so I'm not actually seeing it.

Yeah it is.....it especially sucks if you don't have heat or anything close to it ._. The heat in my house should hold up through winter. But I remember having to keep my computer on so it'd be hotter just so I'd have something to keep my hands warm.
And yeah most all of it. Any that I didn't 100% watch I had playing in the background while I was doing something or I watched most of it but it was a movie I had already seen so I knew what was going on.
Case in point. The Evil Dead, La Noche de Walpurgis, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I actually bought Army Of Darkness on my PS3 and rented TCM on there too just so I could watch em for this since I literally CAN NOT find Army Of Darkness on DVD anywhere around here. Just the first and second Evil Dead and the remake. And for renting on there they had this sale thing where you could rent certain horror movies for like 99 cents and they had all the Nightmare On Elm Street movies, like 5 Friday The 13th movies, all the Saw movies, and a ton of other stuff.

Yeah, heat's a big concern for me, especially in a new place and rental |: May have found a place kinda close by with a backyard good for storing my shit... idk, everything costs bucks, probably heat too.......
And we met while I was freezing in the tenants garage, warming microwaves lol

Netflix through PS3? Pretty neat.

Well thats good I suppose. It's better than nothing.

I DO have Netflix on there. But I got em through PSN. Chelsea always leaves Netflix signed in on my PS3 so she can just click on it and can immediately go on there.

Nothing is what I'm afraid of... so, despite the return risks, I'd better order my computer parts here and now, because I don't know how long it will take to settle in the new place. Plus I have reason to believe the Mayans and a lot of other sources were exactly 2 years off :\

My sis just asked me if apps were available on computers... fucked if I know

I can see why...but I'm sure you'll find something for the time being and be able to get a more permanent place to settle down. And yeah it'd be a good idea to get that stuff now.

Um....I....I don't know what to say to that. I mean in the terms that apps are short for "Applications" then yeah you can have apps on your computer. But certain stuff that'd be an app for a phone would already by on a computer.

Just got a better listing (webpage) about the place... it's plenty small enough, but no washer dryer, though the pipes are there, maybe I can gank the ones in the house, or else I'd have to borrow/rent the spares my neighbor has in the garage...

Ah, had to think about it... they're OS specific, so Android, Apple, all different

How small we talkin? Like 4 rooms in total? And how much do you think they'd charge for you to rent em?


More like 2 rooms, barely. I might pass on it, dunno yet..... depends on the 'hood and if I have a right of way to the back yard, so I can keep my stuff there. 1200$ a month, and I'm sure it doesn't include gas, water, electric |: Gonna see it Friday, but might drive there later today, just to walk around, see where shit is.

Ah okay. $1200 seems really pricey for a place like that....but whatever. Let me know how it goes.

My sis is looking at it (the listing) now... it is a bit pricey. But it beats an apartment, maybe...
I might try and get them to lower the price per month by 50-100$ a month, since it's only me there, and possibly the ancient housecat, as she's the only one who could stand being cooped up. All those poor outside cats will probably end up in a shelter :(

Well if its only you and maybe a cat I can possibly see them willing to lower it.
Hope those other cats are able to get a good home if that is the scenario. Unless the person who is moving in likes cats. You never know.

Letting you know: no parking within 2 blocks, not easy to navigate with a truck, and it's a fuck of a walk to get anywhere, other than a kiddy school..... I would eat kids, given half a chance |: Tender meat n' all

Oh. Um.....that doesn't sound like it's worth anywhere near half of what they're asking if thats the case. Why the hell are they asking that much?

Eh, a lot of apartments cost as much if not more than 1200 around me :| Storage is another lose-lose thing I'm trying not to look at, though I may just stuff all I can in the garage next door.. that house isn't gonna get sold anytime soon, so long as the tenant wants to stay there, and she doesn't mind my pack ratting

Thats stupidly high though. Especially for a place like that. It's not even $1k for places around here. Then again it IS Illinois....
Okay. Well....I don't know. Try getting something 100% figured out soon. And look around a bit more for any places that are cheaper than that.

I found out recently, the average NJ household makes 71K a year! I've been priced out.

The hell? o.O Thats more than my dad made in like 2 1/2 years working at CAT and he was there for 36 years!

Yeah, it's sick what 'professionals' make here, bilking the pubic directly and through government... guess there's some stock brokers, and drug makers here too. That's why I'm gonna try relocating on the cheap.. I stopped at a trailer place, and they said box trailers are in high demand now, so unless I wanna spend 3 grand...

Yeah it is....oh well I guess. I mean my gf's parents make like over 100k because they BOTH work and her dad makes 70k because he is like the top supervisor person where he works because he's been working his way to being up that high for over 20 years.
What other options do you have? If any.

They rent containers that you can pack and keep, or they deliver them, or they store them... only, they don't list prices |: There's 4 or 5 companies that do this shit, so I sent my email to 1-800-Pack Rat and PODS... I'll see what they quote me tomorrow. It's just a rectangular box with lockable doors a large truck can plop down and pick up.... worried about the picking up bit, ;specially with tools.

It's about 125$ a month per average 12' long container... fuck. The place I signed the lease for is a moldy mess, God, why did I even...

Well its better than nothing I suppose. I mean it COULD be worse.

Also I haven't had any internet access in my house for awhile and it was JUST turned back on today.

2 weeks to go, still ain't got no temp home yet... hope I have time to get the internet turned on, at the place I'm looking at. Pretty awful having to pack up, even worse, having so little room :|

Have you gotten a chance to look at any other places other than the one? I can't imagine thats the only one available.

It's the cheapest and closest.. nah, I'm thinking and hoping the ity bity condo owner might like me. The prices and range only go up from there.. should know Friday or I'll call the realestate lady Saturday. The rain is making things difficult

Hmm okay. Well all I can say is try to find SOMETHING. Do you know anyone in your area that'd be able to help you find something? And have you considered looking in places other than close to you? I mean I can imagine it being a bitch trying to get all your stuff moved over to a place thats further away. But if you find something cheap and is at least moderately better than what you were already looking at it'd be kinda worth it.

I got 2 12' containers that will cost 250 a month in rent... to find a place big enough to store that... nah, rentals are usually small and have no land/space to store containers, so I'm fucked - it's either go big, or (go home) go small. So the shoebox isn't a bad alternative, so long as my credit check and the landlord would want me there....

Do you have anywhere where you can store the containers? Like would the people next door be willing to keep them over THERE for you? Or do you need to have them with you?

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