New tires are a good thing, so happy I got them for Pop's truck, seeing as 3/4 were going flat... gotta get that kinda stuff done before winter, might as well be now. I got front brakes and ball joints to do, as well as get the truck washed and waxed a few times, just to keep the salt/calcium at bay |:
...glad you asked, I took another look, maybe half of them I recognize! Though I probably have seen a few of those.. over the years, the names loose meaning, but the plot still remains in memory. It's a good list, I'll have to check them out :)
Lol, I should've checked out VHS sales on ebay sooner... I definitely have some rare creeper flicks in the trailer (I got from a friend who bought a video rental place)
Glad you've got venues to attend in the future... I should really look, before Halloween at least.
Been doing my own movie watching, but nothing from a list. Guess I've been dipping into my germ based movies lately like Doomsday, The Andromeda Strain, no classic zombie movies as of yet... go figure.
Yeah. Gives me something to do other than work. And I don't really like just sitting around having nothing to do all the time. Though I COULD have gone and changed the rear tires on my Ranchero whatever. The reason they needed to be changed was because they're going flat.
Oh. Is there any that I listed that you haven't heard of? That first one is actually by Tommy Wiseau. The dude who made The Room. It's only like 13 minutes though. Dunno if it'd count but I'm still counting. And even if it doesn't count I'll watch an additional movie so I'm at exactly 31 by Halloween.
You can find the Living Dead movies on YouTube. Actually the vast majority of these movies were gotten off of there. Used a site called Offliberty and ripped the movies off of there and saved them onto my computer. Really wish I could find Army of Darkness and Let The Right One In and didn't have to pay to view it on em though. If I get a functioning vcr reeeeal quick I can watch both on my PS3 since I think they have both for sale on PSN and I have money on there that I can use.