I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




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And the benefit went well

Posted by Viper - May 3rd, 2015

My sister and I went on and did 5 songs. We ended up changing our setlist. We expanded it to 7 then had to cut it down at short notice due to the first actual band taking forever to set up.
We played: Bad Moon Rising, Butthole Surfers - TV Star, Science Fiction Double Feature, Do You Realize?? by Flaming Lips, and Last Kiss. We had to cut out the songs About A Girl and Cover Of The Rolling Stone.

After that my cousin and his gf's sister went on. I DO NOT like her. At all. She dresses like a skank all the fucking time and thinks shes the best singer ever. She isn't. And it's very apparent. Shes like one of those people who auditions for American Idol and doesn't even get past the auditioning phase because they just all around suck. Anyways. They did I wanna say 4 songs. All of them "newer" songs that are crappy Top 40 stuff and a random Green Day song. And she can't sing in the correct key for those.

After they were on the first band (Momentum) went on. They play rock music from the 60s and 70s. Mostly stuff like The Hollies, Ringo Starr, Beatles, Blues Brothers kinda stuff. I introduced a guitarist of the band the 13th Floor Elevators since they're from the same time period of stuff they play. And he seemed really interested in em. So who knows. Maybe they'll play a song by em or something. They use all vintage gear (aside maybe drums) and even have those really old 40-50s mics. You know the ones I'm talking about.

Anyways. Then at the end of the night  my old guitar teacher's band went on. They play 70s-now hard rock and are called Vinyl Tap. They were playing stuff like Aerosmith, ACDC, Simple Minds (you know....the song at the end of The Breakfast Club), Queen, Rolling Stones, etc. It was fun. And I was headbanging like crazy and now my neck still hurts from it. I was also slam dancing and jumping all around and doing stuff while they were on. I really only did it cause no one else other than my sister and our friend Hannah were doing anything. So my doing that got a huge group of other people to come over and dance too and it made the rest of the night fun for everyone else.

Theres video of the whole night. But as far as I know my uncle hasn't uploaded it anywhere.


Sounds like you had a good time, aside from the obnoxious gf's sister. How did the audience respond? If that didn't give her a check, she's probably suffering from the Dunning–Kruger effect. You know, when you think you're hot stuff, but you're terrible and you can't recognize it because you're ignorant. Eh, I'm sure other people can describe it more eloquently then I can.

The audience barely responded at all to her. It was literally JUST her family who did.
But she didn't care. Her head is too far up her ass to listen to anyone other than herself.


Not THAT bad. But shes got no rhythm, sucks at singing in the correct key, and looks like a drunk alien.

I'm fucking shocked your moshing antics actually went viral, you a jukebox hero dude ;)

Nah not really viral. Though I'm hoping my uncle can get the video up SOMEWHERE so I can get the audio from my playing uploaded on here. Our set had to have been like not even 20 minutes. So I could even just upload the whole thing.

Get a mini USB to USB wire, gank his phone, and extract :) Offer to clean your Uncles' phone next time he's over the house...

He never comes over to the house though....
It's exceedingly rare for any of my relatives to come over to my house.
Or even come down our street for that matter. It's only if they want something.
Or if my other uncle is clearing out people's driveways or what have you during the winter since he has a truck with a plow attached to the front of it.

Maybe the house is keeping them away, after all, didn't a cat-meteorite take out part of your roof? I know I can't go to my cousin's house because of the cats and mold... and all those things I'd feel obliged to help with :p

Nah it's not that.
It's more that they're more interested in just doing their own thing. My aunts and uncles only ever go to the others houses if it's for a party or they need something. Only a couple of my aunts actually "hang out" and get along. The uncle who plows and the one who shot the footage at the benefit can't stand one another. And when they were younger (like around the time I was born-when I was younger) they used to get into full on fist fights outside their houses.
But they don't do that now and are more or less okay with one another.
Going strictly off how they were before.

"When Brothers Go Bad", next on FOX. Yeah, that's a sucky situation, at least it's calmed down some. Nothing's sadder than when old people fight each other :|

They're actually both only my uncles through marriage. Their wives are both my dad's sisters.

your info is so old

Which info?

Maybe this? "I am a Calm Laid Back Individual. I am usually asleep. But when I am not its hard to tell i'm not trying to be asleep. And I like finding the truth...just kidding. Oh and According to my cousin and sister and all of my friends I sold my soul to the devil." and/or this "STALKER!!!"

Eh, hard for me to relate, most my relatives died of old age before I even came along.

Ah gotcha. I may consider changing that. But it's been up there for literally almost 5 years. So I don't know what to change it to. I guess I'll come up with something.

Oh ._.

That sounds like fun!

It really was. Especially the last part. That's really the only time I've let loose and had that much fun doing...anything.


IDK either... just neat to find chicks into my brand of metal
I'll be more certain in another week or two, but it looks like the farm will be sold and I'll be outta here by the 12th next month... my sis came in Thursday, she's been cool so far.

Ah gotcha. Yeah she frequents the bbs. So I know of her.

And that sucks :/ so where are you gonna go?

Also I forgot to tell you. That friend of mine is Turkish not Italian. Probably should have told you in a response to that PM I completely forgot you sent me.....

The buyer might let me rent the farmhouse until I can find a place of my own... otherwise, I'll have to try and find an extended stay place, or possibly crash with the tenants next door

Oh the last PM you sent me? Huh, my exGF married 2 Turkish guys, guess she's still married to the second guy, haven't heard from her since Pop passed away, she didn't have the heart to go to the funeral

Well lets hope they do. Or at least help you find somewhere to live. Though I guess it wouldn't hurt to go next door and ask them about that. Ya know. In case things fall through for possibly staying where you're at now.

Yeah. Me and her have Skyped a few times. Longest was last night. We talked for about an hour and I pretty much just let her do all the talking so she could tell me as much as she could about herself. Though now next time she said that it's gonna be all me talking. Aaaand I don't know what all I'm gonna say o-o
I don't know what to say about that ._.

It's starting to look might I might have to have another container.. but maybe not. Anyway, we'll see.

There's a girl here I could skype with, she's been sending me pm's that go over the limit... she's a friend to me, don't ask. You'll think of something to say.. if you listened well enough last time

Okay. Well I guess let me know whats going on. Or you could just keep updating or making news posts. Your call.

I'm positive I know who you're talking about.

Put your venom in me :3

How do I even respond to that? ">_>
How am I supposed to put venom into a solid gold bow and arrow? .3.

You save your venom for the noobs in the BBS, yeah? Have you even been in the BBS lately?
Hope the daily grind's been treating you okay brother, really miss not being around here :(

I guess. But I haven't been on really much of at all other than posting every once in awhile or to deposit experience. I've been working more and I have to work all alone in both publics and laundry on Saturday. Which is the 4th. One of the busiest weekends of the whole year.

FYI updating my computer did nothing. I still can't do damn near anything on it.

Shit, that sucks. At least you might be able to buy another computer, or maybe finally find someone to get it straightened out finally ._. This is one of those times when having IRL friends might've made a difference... unless you can find someone on craig's list to take a peek at it.

Good luck this weekend, hope you find some loose ladies while on the clock ;)

I'm more looking at trying to get mine fixed. I don't want to get a new computer right now. But who knows. I seriously miss being able to get on here normally.

Thanks. It was awful. I had to work Friday and Saturday til 11 both nights and didn't get home til almost midnight both nights. Last night I was all on my own in housekeeping and laundry so I had to do double what I normally do as well as deal with hundreds of visitors who can't listen to simple instructions and constantly made my job harder than it had to be. Also I don't look for ladies while I am working. I'm too busy working to. Alsoliterally no one gives me a second glance so it's not like it matters anyways..

Yeah, I'm like that on the job too... all business; any hanky-panky enters my mind, goes out the other side :\ If the farm sale doesn't go through by this coming Wednesday, I'll be looking for work myself... either way, I should have the internet at home by the end of the month -or else- >:(

Farm sold, internet gear should be in the mail by this Friday... then I'll be able to spam this post >:)

How much did it end up selling for?
I haven't even tried getting on my computer for the past couple weeks. I've considered buying myself a laptop at some point soon. Then seeing if I can get my computer fixed. That way if anything happens to one I'll have the other as a backup so I'm not stuck on my phone.

Hmm, a lot less than my parents thought was possible, but as time went on, the enivromentalists made waste water management/wetlands more costly to develop...

Laptops can be cheap and cheerful, sounds like a plan! But would you bring it to work? Guess you could use it on break, and after you punch out... they'd let you use their wi-fi, wouldn't they? Busy summer huh? Same here... educated ppl give me a headache :p

Definitely have to leave before the 22nd, just wish there wasn't so much jerking around about it |: Gotta find home for a shit-ton of cats, and me too, don't wanna buy a place outright without really checking into it, so I'll have to rent someplace.

Anything new on your end?

Sorry to hear that :/ do you know if there are any even mildly cheap places anywhere near you? Or anyone to take the cats so they don't end up in an animal shelter or something?

Not really. I've hung out with that friend of mine a couple times and might again on Sunday of she's free. We're also going to go to Chicago to see the band Bongripper in October.

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