I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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46,360 / 100,000
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10.01 votes
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Gonna look some more online tonight, and/or maybe I'll give the neighbor next door some money and a few bags of food... at least until I have a place to dump them

The new friend, not the one in south chi-town college, yeah? Hope you have lots of fun before the concert in October.... hope to be in a decent rental by then

No its the one from "south of chi-town". I'm hoping I have some form of fun at the concert. Though I have no idea what I'm doing after it because it starts at 8:30 and as far as I know 3 bands are playing. So it won't be over til like 11. And I doubt I'll be awake enough to do an hour+ long drive home.

There's a girl here I could skype with, she's been sending me pm's that go over the limit... she's a friend to me, don't ask
who dat?
hi brandon
bye brandon


Brandon does the BBS and leaves, but he would notice a PM.
So you've got a female friend here, someone brandon and I don't know? And we shouldn't ask... then why bring her up at all?

I hardly do the BBS anymore. I'm almost never on here other than lurking around, checking for PMs, getting exp, and periodically responding to comments on here.

i was quoting you from below lol
i was curious as to who you were talking about

Oh you mean Brandon's new interest? I think he showed me a picture months ago... or it could've been this chick from Europe. Gotta give our old buddy credit for keeping the relationship ball rolling

Chick from Europe?

Yeah that chick from Greece or west of there... idk, was months ago, and as you say, your friend from south of the city is closer at hand. I never checked your posts, only noticed the lurking, usually when I'm ready to leave or put myself in ._. mode, as you've been lately. All the running around must suck, but at least, I think, you feel better? How's your back been?

Definitely bring a folding chair, pace yourself, share the burden and the joy equally... maybe I'll get a wild hair up me bum, and meet you at the concert... nah, tickets sold out, huh? Fuck it, I've got an empire (somewhere) to conquer >:)

OH I know who you mean. There wasn't anything "going on"between us. She was just a friend. And we don't even talk anymore. Mostly because I really don't use tumblr at all. But yeah my friend from southbound chicago is like an hour away from me. But even with that in kind we have only hung out twice. Because she has anxiety problems and we only hang out when she is cool with it because of that. I wish we could hang out MORE but I don't want to MAKE her hang out with me. That's just not cool.
Well I really only post in that post music thread, metal hell, that wi/ht level up thing, and that ask the person below a weird question thing.
I guess I feel sort of better. I mean I'm not bound to my computer nowadays. Though now I hardly listen to ANY music because it's all on there. I just listen to whatever is on my phone or a random video on YouTube. And it sucks because I haven't devotes really any time to listening to new bands or new music by bands I like. Like the bands Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats and High on Fire have both released new stuff. And I can't really be bothered to listen to either. My back is okay I guess. Not any worse.

Well I'm considering having us just hang out in the back so she isn't surrounded on all sides by people and ends up freaking out. Wouldn't be a fun time for anyone if that happened. As far as I know it's not. But it's all the way up in Chicago. Sooooo yeeeah..

Anxiety sucks (for both you and her), think she'll do okay at a concert? Your Pop happen to have a pair of binoculars? Ah, odds are you won't see much from the back, but you can stay close to her, let her feel looked after and safe... and somehow control yourself lol. Just the 2 of you going?
Glad your back's holding up, mine's been so-so lately, but not bad. Know what you mean about computers and music :\ At least your smartphone comes in handy, beats nothing.

I'm holed up in a hotel, waiting for Tom to get back to the office... hope he flies back from that Florida convention soon. I'm thinking he might know someone I can rent a place from o_o I left the farm and cats behind this past Friday, finally fully rested today

Well I hope he can find you a place to stay at then.
Also I barely know anything about the convention. I'm pretty much not even active on here at the moment. I'm still wanting to get a laptop and use that to get on here. But now im.getting all new tires on the Ranchero and that's going to cost me like $419 there. So I'm going with my dad to the bank tomorrow, taking out a $1000 loan and using the money from that to pay for tires and then bringing the rest back that isn't used. I need to set up some form of credit..

Also, my aunt died almost 2 weeks ago..

Aw that sucks, give my condolences to your family. Can you get a personal loan like that? It's almost impossible to find a bank that'll do that where I'm at... unless it's a credit union or something independent of the bigger banks.

I hear they make laptops as cheap as 150$ at Walmart, but you can probably find something decent (if you read the reviews) on Newegg.com.. but don't bust your credit!

Yeah...she was suffering for awhile. So I'm just glad she isn't suffering anymore. She was in very bad shape at the end.

And yeah I can. All I needed was my dad to also be there to sign for the load and it was all good. Got the money today and I'm going to use it to get shit to get the car fixed up and presentable. At the moment I'm going to get some full moon hubcaps to put on it. We have normal rims that we're putting on and taking the Cragers off. The tires all around cost me $419 today. But it was worth it.

I want to get this one they have there. But it's $500. It has a disc tray so I can rip cds, Windows 10, and a 500 Gb hard drive so I can copy my music and stuff off my external hard drive onto it.

Also. For the loan, monthly payments are going to be roughly $95 a month. I can technically do double payments every month and get it paid off in like 5 months.

I had a browser hijack while here at the motel, no biggie... just feel bad your PC gear is so screwed up, you shouldn't have to pay for another one if the hardware's okay :(

Ah man, no word from Tom yet on when I can visit the office... he just got back from FL so maybe tomorrow/Tuesday, but like you, I'm burning cash to get what I want :p I may have to do the Airbnb thing after all, and hope the young hipster(s) don't mind me :/

Browser hijack? And yeah I know ._. Personally I want to get my desktop fixed. But I don't want to get it fixed just so it can get screwed up all over again. Because I've had to get it worked on more than once.

Well let's hope he gets in touch soon so you can figure shit out.

Oh shit, you saw that birthday flash YomToxic made for me (or Yomuchan to his Forkheadz minions). really great guy, saved a very old flash crew/BBS from demise.

I'm having a pretty shitty time myself, not having a home, and on strange streets, but I always hope for the best with you Brandon. You pay off that loan, I'll spring for a supporter upgrade (which really should be a jockstrap graphic w/ tankman...)

He saved the BBS? What's been happening since I've been pretty much gone?

Well at the moment we just got out heat fixed. We had someone out here before. But our furnace got screwed up pretty much right afterwards. But it should be all good now. Though we had a ceiling fan that's permanently on. It suddenly "stopped" but it's still getting power to it. It's just not moving now. The pull cord ripped out of it and it sounded like rusty nails on a chalkboard. We're also getting a tarp over the hole in our roof at the moment so it should help prevent the rain from getting in. And I'm just gonna do a normal.payment next month and December. Since my dad is getting half of his normal money from retirement in December were not going to be doing well til January. So Christmas and his birthday aren't going to be all that good here. But I'm still planning to get the supporter upgrade for myself for next year.

Well, Yom bought the Forkheads website, when it's owner pretty much abandoned it for a few years, otherwise it would've been deleted.

I don't understand why you can't find a reliable guy to back up what's on the HD now, reformat w/ a new copy of WIN7 and charge you 80-200(max)$? Might be worth mailing to a guy so it can be fixed O_O Where did you buy this PC?

The igniter on mine would go every 1 1/2 years or so, really cheap fix... if I wanted it to kick off while broken, I'd have to turn it on and wait for the gas to start, then light it with a BBQ lighter

Yeah, some porn ad company got attacked and the ad spawned a screen yammering about p0rn, had tons of official looking crap on it. Did panic me slightly, but I shut it down in my own way. rebooted no problem.

Hey, maybe check out the town/county recycling yard! I bet there's a ceiling fan someone thought too unstylish/dirty to keep. Before I left NJ, I went w/ a guy and he made out like a bandit on 2 computers, video card, wicked good turntable... and here I am bleeding money and being homeless... but to be fair, he's homeless too

Oh okay. Cool.

Dude. I've already had to get my hard drive replaced and get Win reinstalled on it. Then I had Antivirus installed twice and it's still active as far as I know. So I don't know what could be going on. It's cost me more than I spent on it to get it fixed. I bought it at Walmart like 4 years ago.

Oh. Well that sucks. The circuit board in ours went out. They replaced it and we didn't have to pay for a new one because the other one was still under warranty.

We were thinking about getting one at Menards. We don'thave a "recycling yard" just a junk yard that's only carsand the owner crushes them almost immediately after getting them. Even this nice about 67 or 68 Mustang that literally only needed to get a hole in the roof fixed and maybe some engine work.

I texted Dami while waiting for Indian food, and she wanted pics, so a dude there took some of me, and I sent them... but they wouldn't upload! Then she told me to cancel, then how to cancel... it's good now I think. Ah, she hit her data cap, guess I'll upload them here, send her the links... though she uses her phone for internet |:

That's weird your town/county doesn't have a drop off point for motor oil, used electronics, cardboard plastic etc. Glad the furnace CPU got replaced free, at first I thought that was my problem... That's gotta be heartbreaking, all the shit you put up with, with your old computer :(

Kinda shocked no one bought the rustang yet, maybe they're asking too much. He's gotta be hurting, scrap prices are hellaciously low now. Some yards are stockpiling, waiting for prices to go up again

Have to go back to NJ to check on my stuff and cats tomorrow... might have to stay there, since there's nothing worth renting/staying around here that I can find, big disappointment dude. I took a chance on the NG ppl here and it cost me a shit-ton of money |:

Well... here I am a month later, still in NJ waiting to sign a new lease to my old house. That's a month of squatting, sleeping in the truck with no heater, and hotel rooms (which cost over 100$ a night) |: I've given these fucks till Friday, then I gotta find somewhere else to go, which sucks because I still have a ton of cats at the farm and stuff next door at the rental (as soon as I left NJ a few hundred bucks worth of wood I was saving got stolen and no one knows nothing >:(

Turkey day go okay? My parent's 15+ y/o cat died black friday morning :(

Jeez. It's already been a month? What all have you been doing for the past month? My family has been having some financial issues. More so than usual. Like my dad is pretty much broke except for about $200 he is being forced by the bank to keep in his account because they deemed that he was withdrawing "too much" and was going to take more money out of his account if he didn't leave at least that much in there. I have just change and am not getting any more money for about a week.

I had to work on thanksgiving and had really crappy food where I work. Everyone else in my family went to a party and nearly everyone who went there got sick. I'm the only one in my family who hasn't been throwing up pretty much all day since Saturday morning.

Aw damn man that sucks ass... I guess you were feeling really low about working a major holiday too, did you at least get time and a half? I've been treating the staff here (best western on route 18 north aka thunder road) really well, despite the shitty clean up jobs they do, the laundry ladies do a great job though :)

I haven't been doing much except surviving and waiting for these clowns to get the paperwork done.

Yeah I was. But I guess I dodged a bullet not going to that party. Because otherwise I'd more than likely be sick too. And I did get time and a half. Though that equaled out to a little above $13 an hour. Yeah hotel staff tend to prefer being treated at least a little okay. We get too many people treating us like crap and not listening to what we say all the time.

How long are you thinking it might take? And how long exactly have they been putting off getting it done?

I told the staff a few days ago they need to de-squeak their laundry cart(s), because 7-8am that noise just cuts right through you O_O Guess what woke me up this morning lol

Hard to say how long this crap's been going on... actually a month today, the guy who brokered the deal said he could get me a lease, that's how long I've been waiting. But everyone in the process has been playing hot potato with the details, and now it's right back to the jerk who added that 5K deposit and 200$ per day penalty shit thing, I don't have his number :\

How about a new post? I've heard dribs and drabs from you in the BBS, good Christmas?

I'll make a new post eventually.
At the moment I'm saving up my money for a laptop. My sister got one for $300 that's got Win 10 and a 500 Gb hard drive. So when I have enough for it and still have money left in the bank (like maybe my paycheck after this one I'm getting) I'm more than likely going to get one like it too and either transfer all my crap onto it or get a 1 or 2tb hard drive to put in it and then do that.
As for Christmas, I had to work. I got some cds, a vinyl, some Shaun of the Dead Vinyl Idolz thing, and a little suitcase record player so I can play my records in my room now without having to lug my heavy ass record player all the way across the house into my room.

That's a good update! How soon can you pay the loan off? I'm not fond of those lil dolls, but anything of Shaun of the Dead's gotta be worth having! How's the record player sound, bassy enough?

Well I paid off 2 things on it and still own about $800 on it so if I only do single payments per month it'd be paid off in August.
Well its not one of those Pop Vinyl things with the big heads and tiny bodies. But yeah!
And nah not really. It's a bit too quiet. But it works fine.

Got a laptop. Now I can finally be active on here again.