I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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Viper's News

Posted by Viper - January 13th, 2012

well i forgot to make one yesterday...
so im making one now

1) like my last post my girlfriend i love her a lot :D
2) im so far doing...okay with my new years resolutions i guess...
3) nothing has really happened lately...
4) song for this week is

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pic \/

a new newspost...

Posted by Viper - January 5th, 2012

well lets see...
1) first and fore most still with my girlfriend :P (this is always gonna be #1 cause its the best thing ever)
2) my christmas was...bearable i guess...and new years was boring
3) i got a new phone for christmas :D its better than my old one
4) i made a list of New Years Resolutions and i hope to stay to my list and not fail like i do every year hahaha.
5) song for this week is...
Saint by Marilyn Manson

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how to tie a tie

first newspost of the year...i guess...

Posted by Viper - December 29th, 2011

another newspost today...

1) the number one thing is and always will be my girlfriend :P
2) christmas came and went...it was kinda cold here but no snow for some odd reason...
3) i ordered the expansion pak. and its still not here >:( ive been waiting for 8 days and it was supposed to be here in between 2-3 days.
4) song of the week is...
Hunger Strike by Temple Of The Dog

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\/ listen to the pic O_O

another newspost...

Posted by Viper - December 22nd, 2011

lets see new post today...

1) number one most important thing on here is my girlfriend O: shes awesome
2) can you believe how close it is to christmas? its crazy!
3) i bought a copy of The Odyssey and Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask, but i can't play legend of zelda yet cause i need an expansion pak for my n64. and i ordered one and it should be here either tomorrow or the next day. then i'll wrap that and open that up on christmas as a gift to myself.
4) song of the week...
Rusty Cage - Soundgarden

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below is a flying fuck haha

blah new post today

Posted by Viper - December 15th, 2011

hmm lets see what has happened to me recently...
not much

1) like always still going out with my girlfriend :P (its the most important thing im listing thats why its #1)
2) i haven't really made any music lately...which is both bad and boring...
3) im looking up how to wire guitar pickups knobs and all that fun stuff so i can do that when i need to replace a pickup or if i need to wire anything on a guitar
4) song of the week is...
Magic Carpet - Orange Goblin

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below is a pic i thought looked cool


Posted by Viper - December 8th, 2011

another week and like i said in the subject not much happened...

1) still with my girlfriend O: and i love her more and more everyday
2) i got God of War 1 and 2 and Alien Hominid for Gamecube...
3) i drew a picture last night cause i couldn't sleep and i was bored...but im not putting it on the news post. its just staying in my sketchbook.
4) the song for this week is...
Lithium Live At Reading 1992 - Nirvana

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heres a pic...
i thought it looked cool

another week...not much really happened

Posted by Viper - December 1st, 2011

for the past few months ive only been doing 1 post a month
i decided id do 1 post a week for awhile and see how that goes...
and instead of 10 things its gonna have 5

so a few things that happened lately are...
1) im still going out with my girlfriend :P
2) i haven't playing my geetar lately...although i can now play most of Search and Destroy by Iggy Pop and the Stooges...
3) i now have heat in my house (if you read through the comments on the last post i said this already)
4) im starting to upload stuff in the audio portal again...now at 53 things in the audio portal
5) and im putting a different song each week so this week is...
We're An American Band - Grand Funk Railroad

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and like i said in the last post heres a pic of my other car
its a 1961 Studebaker Lark VIII Cruiser 4-door

I decided id change things up...

Posted by Viper - November 1st, 2011

like my last news post im making a list of 10 things that have happened to me in the last month...
hmm lets see...

1) i learned how to play 2 songs by ear last month...this song and this song

2) im still going out with my awesome girlfriend ;) i love you

3) im still saving money for that banjo

4) i stole a lot of candy from my brother on Halloween muahaha

5) i got to drive my other car (not the one in my profile pic) this year...thats always fun

6) still no heat...but my dad said he might get it fixed sometime this month

7) i have 52 things in the audio portal

8) im writing more guitar parts to songs...once i get all of the songs finished up ill start posting them here

9) i got a scanner hooked up in my room
you all can see my terrible drawings if i decide to scan more of em and put em on my posts cause since im not scouted i cant put them in my art...

10) and last but not least i decided to change number 10 up a bit
for number 10 each week ill be posting another video on here. so i should end up with either 4 or 5 videos on here...p.s. im still putting up a pic though

first video: Black Sabbath - Children Of The Grave

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second video: Baroness - Tower Falls

third video: Red Fang - Human Herd

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fourth video: Kylesa - Forsaken

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fifth and final video: Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick

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Posted by Viper - October 1st, 2011

well like my last news post im making a list of 10 things that have happened to me in the last month...

1) im thinking about selling that gibson and saving money for a better guitar...i like the pickups though so i might get some that are like the ones in the gibson and put them in the guitar i am thinking about getting

2) im going out with my girlfriend still who has an account on here....and she is...KUPIA!!!!!!!!!!! shes my awesome black metal loving satanist girlfriend and i love her very much :)

3) im saving up money to buy an electric 6-string banjo

4) ive been sick for the past 2 weeks...so ive been drinking more and more tea

5) the internet is FINALLY hooked up in my room. WOO HOO no more sharing a computer with my sister and brother :D

6) the heat doesn't work in my house so the warmest it gets is about 60 Fahrenheit

7) i have 51 things in the audio portal but im going to upload more stuff

8) cousin still not talking to my and im still happy about that.

9) im making music...its not that good
but eh its something

10) pic below
this is the clay thing i made
my sister's cat knocked it over and snapped the arm off and i cant find it so i can't fix it :/

10 things that happened last month

Posted by Viper - September 1st, 2011

well like my last news post im making a list of 10 things that have happened to me in the last month...

1) i replaced that string i broke...

2) i'm still going out with my amazing girlfriend :P

3) i have been done with school for awhile

4) haven't drank monster, i've been drinking tea lately...

5) the internet is still not hooked up in my room...

6) i'm now in a band with my girlfriend :D

7) im in the audio portal now, woot woot now you can listen to my crap :D

8) my cousin hasn't talked to me in awhile...yay

9) i'm writing more music...no lyrics. i suck at writing lyrics


pic below

well...heres 10 things that happened to me last month