I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




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a new newspost...

Posted by Viper - January 13th, 2012

well i forgot to make one yesterday...
so im making one now

1) like my last post my girlfriend i love her a lot :D
2) im so far doing...okay with my new years resolutions i guess...
3) nothing has really happened lately...
4) song for this week is

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pic \/

a new newspost...


aw...whats with that sad face?

its nothing...
i dont really feel like talking about it

do u have problems against potatoes!?! O.o (last post) wat have they ever done to u??

and they haven't done anything to me either...

potatos are friends -friends that ppl are allowed to eat- everyday someone should hug a potato and make it feel luved -right b4 they make some kind of food out it- potaos need luv too!!

well any friends are eatable... O_O
but those people that do that are cannibals
so yeah...

no,i dumped you.

i dont care im still keeping it
i still want to have a little hope you'd take me back okay
and you cant take that away from me

doesnt matter if you have hope or not,you still act like an ass.

im try to not act like one though
please :'(

REALLY?well reread your last response,stupid.
youre that same childish fuck and i dont want to have to deal with you anymore

i know and im sorry about that
but can you please think about it taking me back though
i need someone, and you're pretty much the only person i have
i hate everyone here and you're the only person that i get along with or want to talk to.

if you stop being so fucking selfish i might try considering,but youre still being an asshole,so no.

im going to try
so please think about it

Ah. Yeah..I shouldn't get involved.....I might say something I may regret.

No offense or hate to you, Kupia or Viper.

yeah i dont think you anyone should get involved with this...

uhh i didint wanna say anything so i didnt comment for a long time but its completely ironic how i was talking about luv (well for potatos but still) then u guys had the whole aurgument thing.......it kinda killed the potato luv mood :(

yeah it did...
although a bit later we talked for a bit and theres a chance we'll get back together
so yeah...im still saddened by this
but happy that we might get back together

is that why the sad face is there?
but thats nice u guys were cute together!

yeah we were :)
i hope we get back together
i love her O:
like A LOT

u see the world needs that.......luv.......this is exactly what caused all those wars that every country but canada were in. lack of love.

yeah i cant argue with that
if there was more love there wouldnt be so much hate (obviously hahaha)
and im not really a fan of canada
although i do like a few bands from canada
and im kinda okay with maple syrup...
but im not a fan of hockey

hate canada but used to like it (until they found justin bieber)
hate maple syrup cuz its too sweet and sticky
i used LOVE hocley but now i only LIKE it O.o
but ya the hate thing is kinda true.......

justin beiber is THE worst thing that has come from canada EVER
i like it cause its sweet...
and i dont think ive ever liked hockey


Justin Beaver denying that he had a kid with another girl.

Next thing you know, he's on the show where it says, "Justin Beiber, you ARE the father!"

but if thats true then its rape since he was A LOT younger than the person who is supposedly pregnant with his kid.
so either way the person accusing him is gonna lose...

History is made by men that were neglected as children.


beaver? O.o
dude quit pretending to wise by stating random facts and using big words no one cares about -_-

well some people like big words...
i like a few...

sandy is right.and she didnt even have to go to dictionary.com for that.
i bet the last guardian spends his day studying words to sound wise

he probably does haha

eehh monocromatic is a big word an i like it but still sometimes big words just get in the way bc i cant understand wat hes saying like 99.99% of the time

i guess we have a new wolf now O.o.................... not sure but yah

i understand him a good portion of the time

i never bother going to dictionary.com for his words i mainly just ignore them and try to figure out wat he means : I

i dont go on there cause i usually know them...
weird isn't it

Complex words don't show anything about a person's intelligence or wisdom for that matter. You may want to recycle that misconception about words. And no, I don't study the dictionary. It's a tasteless labor. If I had it my way, I would refrain from using the larger and more complex words, but I'm very selective. I tend to use words that I like--meaning the words that look and sound right. Some words, especially the words that end with a harsh 'e' sound just isn't what you would call 'music to my ears'. Fortunately, I could actually care less about what others said. It's the context I look for. It doesn't matter how informal your speech is. And it matters even less if they decide to use a word that I dislike. In the end, it's really a situation where I don't like what is coming from my mouth, so I became very choosy with what I say. And for that matter, I dislike repetition. Rather than repeating the same world twice, I will probe my mind for synonyms.

hmm sounds interesting to me
i tend to use words that sound like they'd be good in the sentence and stay on topic

i read an entire dictionary once it was boring and a waste of time........but you see i didnt get half of what you said up there bc of the words. they got in the way of my understandings. you could've said the exact same thing using smaller words that mean the same things but no because you think the bigger words make you smarter. dont deny dude.

i read an entire dictionary once too out of sheer boredom
did i learn anything?
no not really...
but at least i can say that ive done it before
at the library here in town the have (at least i think they still have it) a HUGE dictionary thats width is about the wide of 1 1/2 of my head and its about the size of my torso or something. that thing wise GIGANTIC

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