well like my last news post im making a list of 10 things that have happened to me in the last month...
well it was longer than a month...
but enough about that heres the list
1) i broke a guitar string for the first time in 2 years... :( that never happens to me
hell they never even rust. i have been told i have magical powers when it comes to that...
2) me and my girlfriend are still going out :P
3) been done with high school for 2 1/2 months now...
4) haven't drank or touched an energy drink in that same amount of time
5) still no job...
6) my room has miraculously stayed clean...i mean normally after i clean it it looks like a war zone after about a week
7) i ended up quitting the band i was in...and the guitarist/singer is in denial and thinks im still in the band after i told i don't know how many times i quit...
8) my cousin decided to suck it up and forgave me for blaming me for the theft
9) got my computer :)...unfortunately its not hooked up to the internet yet....
10) oh and i wrote lyrics to 2 songs and wrote music for 3 songs and i'm starting a 4th
and like the last post heres a pic :D