I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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10.01 votes
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11y 2m 12d


you have a gamecube?

i do
but its not completely working at the moment...
i was thinking about getting it fixed the next time im somewhere where there is someone who can fix it cause if i try to fix it i'll more than likely break it worse than its already broken...

Ah, I've been contemplating on purchasing a PlayStation Three. But, yet again, I do not play games. Perhaps I shall play Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I may even get The Last Guardian, once it is released.

i have as well
and i haven't heard of Ico and i barely know what Shadow of the Colossus is

how can you not know what shadow of colossus is? O_O
oh and im mad at you

i bought a ps3.but i have a preference for games with history like Assassin's Creed.
id suggest getting a ps2 if youre only going to play shadow of the colossus,its cheaper.unless you want the bluray player from the ps3.

i know what it is
but i haven't played it and ive only heard other people talk about it

so the post thing is weekly now? its not even the end of the week

and if you read the last post it said it in the beginning
its a week from the last post i had up

so you didnt read the last post?

i guess not...

Creativity. Give us something more to go on. I would like to speak to you, but it seems that you never present me with anything to work with.

...are you talking to me?
or someone else

wait,who are you talking to?


either i forgot about it or didnt pay attention to it and who is he talking to and/or about?

hmm either sounds possible

I am speaking to you.

you as in Kupia, sandy25198, or me?

If the gamecube smells like smoke, maybe just clean the laser lens. If it doesn't spin, whack it! Hope the power supply isn't burnt.
Necessity is the mother of all invention (and creative fixes); how's that Guardian?

i have no idea whats wrong with it
it turns on then the screen stays black then the gamecube shuts off
other times it just doesnt turn on at all

...I know when hard drives or some electronics go bad, you put them in the freezer to tighten up the connections and bearings - then you extract data before it bombs again (watch for frost!). I'm sure there's a repair guide (w/ a troubleshooter) on google somewhere, but ... doesn't Gamestop still repair them?

i was thinking about doing that...
but i dont wanna risk making it worse than it already is
and i have no idea if they still do or not
oh and i bought it used :D so i just got the gamecube a controller and 3 games
Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Party 5, and Legend of Zelda the Windwaker.
i got the strategy guide for LoZ for free with the game

my old gamecube fell in the jacuzzi in my backyard : I then the pool and later it was thrown against a tree......then in my car for about 3 years then scrached thoroughly by my little kitty kat Meredith :D and finally peed on by my little fluffy dog poofly :P

holy crap...
wouldn't it get ruined after falling in a jacuzzi?

oh uhh it was already ruined
it got ruined the first day we bought it cuz my brother peed on it and when poofly peed on it wasnt much of a surprise since one dog-like creature already peed on it -_-

your brother peed on it?

cuz hes a douch bag -bet u 3 cookies i spelled that wrong XD-

...you did
its douche bag

YES I WIN 3 COOKIES!!!! :D (internet cookies :P) w8 so i misspelled it just because of a stupid E? who wants E's anyways -_- :P

yeah you do :D
...Captain E wants e's
if you dont use e's he dies...

This is your post. What do you think? Don't complicate things.

you could be talking to someone else i dont know...
its entirely possible
but since youre most likely talking to me
whatcha want?

well Captain Crunch dies so why shouldnt Captain E die?
hes got a point on the post thing :P

yeah he does...
but why does captain e need to die D:
we use e's everyday
i dont think we can go throughout the whole day NOT using e's
and yeah he does...

no but silent E's? who needs those? like douche. u can say it all u want without ever using an E and u wont get killed or hurt

i dont know...
but we still use e's all the time

Where did you find the picture?

well i listen to red fang
and i went on their website
and there are these little bar things that say what section of the website youre on
like videos, news, music and stuff like that
i right clicked on one of them and clicked view image and thats what it showed

It looks like they took one image, and quintupled it.

but it looks cool

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