I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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New Post Time I Guess...

Posted by Viper - February 27th, 2012

dont ask about the emote i havent used it before and i want to use all the emotes at least one...
well reached over 100 comments on my last post so i thought "eh the post has been up for 2 weeks guess new post time"
lets see...what happened

1) as with all the other posts #1 most important Kupia :P i love her O: and she knows it and you know it and everyone else knows it.
2) i currently have 63 audio submissions and 5 more that im going to submit at a later date to make 68.
3) i (being the idiot i am) accidentally deleted a bunch of stuff off my computer that are now lost forever :( i seriously sat up til about 5 in the morning or something trying to find a way to get all the stuff (or even some of it) back and i didnt D: good thing i got my external hard drive and i saved about 95% of my music on there along with most of my documents so i had them backed up somewhere just in case something happened to my computer.
4) its been...9 months since ive had an energy drink (May 14th woot woot)
5) Kupia's Birthday is coming up soon :) Happy Early Birthday :D love you :)
6) MY birthday is coming up soonish too O: its 10 days after Kupia's on the 17th St. Patrick's Day
7) i bought a little blue Koosh Bear for $1 because i could
8) we got another dog for some odd reason...
9) Norwegian stuff is going okay i guess...still not good at it but i still have time to learn
10) song for this week...
Freya by The Sword

/* */
it is called Valley Of Death by Zdzislaw Beksinski

New Post Time I Guess...


hmmm..............datsh not a vally at all!! :O

it apparently is...

1.) That's good.
2.) Alright.
3.) I've done that before. I regretted it at the time. It doesn't bother me anymore though.
4.) Eight years.
5.) Happy birthday Kupia.
6.) Happy birthday Viper50.
7.) What is koosh bear?
8.) Why do you think this happened?
As for the picture, it's really something.

1) yeah :D
2) yep
3) im okay with it now...but i wish i had some of the stuff i lost though...
4) hmm okay
5) yay a happy birthday for Kupia
6) thanks :D
7) its like a koosh ball but its a little bear
8) i have no idea...
yeah it is :D

Awshum shong!!
Big dead dush!
2x combo + multiplier.
You shud watch a Norsk TV sho every dae.

thanks :D
i should...but im gonna more than likely sit there like ._. because i wouldnt be able to understand most of what they're saying... :/

hahaha he tried to follow my s and h thing but failed!! XD
......or he was drunk

who knows...

...I'm so anal with words.
Can't deny my nature.
I twied dudez.

well at least you twied...

twied?? we doin baby talk now? i refuse to sound like a saliva mixed diaper!!
haha anal XD ( "I'm such an anus with words." is wat i saw!) -yah im immature! -_- go be an asspelt!-

haha i guess we are
when i saw that i saw ass pelt...

u saw right child!
it does say asspelt. i made it up and Vikkie's not allowed to say it cuz i called it already
by the way its one word ._.

no i mean like ass pelt as in two words not one
like its a pelt...of an ass ._.

why would you think that?
i just realized he kinda said he tried dudez (hahaha XD)

i have no idea...
i read it really fast...

and he did haha

Starting to feel like an early Bart Simpson getting poked by Lisa...
quit it quit it quit it quit it
quit it quit it quit it quit it
quit it quit it quit it quit it

oh ive seen that episode
its the one where lisa get a restraining order against bart and shes jabbing him with the stick shes using to make sure hes far enough away from her right? or is it a different episode...

i like American Dad better than the Simpsons
and i havent seen that episode either ._.

ive actually grown less and less fond of Seth McFarland's stuff...
ya know Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, stuff like that

A satire of something serious is good comedy.
A satire of our fucked up culture is just pathetic. It has it's moments, sure, but we have to live here.

that is true at most times
but sometimes (although rarely) its the other way around

Presumptuous of me to generalize like that, especially since I did both of those things.
I get tired just thinking of the all work and money that I put into it (the movie, 4 CATV shows)
And it's on a tape... it's all on tapes and they don't fit on that round plastic tray or fit into that usb thingy.
But there a LOT of ppl in the same sinking boat.... It wasn't gonna get me laid anyway.

ah its okay im pretty sure you aren't the only one who has

i used to be in a video production class...
someone brought in some tapes and was able to get the footage off of them and get them on the "machine" (what the teacher called what we were using) and made it into a dvd...although those cost a lot. and the ones we had were apparently made in Germany.

family guy is stupid, i hardly watch the cleveland show but american dad, its different. its beyond epic!
Presumptuous! fun word and goin on my list of fun long words!
also proposterous (dont know if i spelled that right)

i pretty much never watch any of those shows now...
its pretty much just Law and Order, CSI, NCIS, and whatever is on the History Channel

woo fun words O:

Preposterous, easy to spell in a Romance language way, and it sure fits a lot of places!
Norsk! Mush! Get on those Northern barbarian words, you linguistic husky! Heeya!

and um...okay...

see it is a fun word its got THREE individual (thats on the list too! :D) words in it! plus a cool letter!
its fun to say with a british accent. but if u say it with an australian accent its not as fun (yes theres a difference between the two)
Canadians ._.

woo 3 words in 1 word :D

there is a difference...but its not a big difference

Canadians? ._.

and an awesome letter! :D
who cares theres still a difference.an australian accent is like a cowboy version of a british accent!
yes Canadians from Canadia the place next to Alaskia also where Justinfuckhisface Bieber came from ._. and Meese (Meese like Moose as in Geese like Goose)

yeah! :D
it does a bit...like if you compared Steve Irwin's voice to i dont know...some random British guys
some Canadians are okay...i mean not all of them
but some of them
i never understood why people hate Canada so much...it boggles my mind

I don't know why ppl hate Canada either (except for some of their music exports).
America's socialists ran up there in the late 19th century, to they wouldn't get killed. They became politicians and formed a party... and that's why things are so cool up there (no pun intended).

well some of the music is good
Rush, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, The Guess Who, April Wine, Steppenwolf, Loverboy, and so on
but i'll never forgive them for Nickleback, Justin fucking Beiber, Simple Plan, and Arcade Fire. i just cant stand those bands...and person

so did draft dodgers during Nam...

okay Justinfuckhisass Beiber cant be identified as a person ._. u see him and go "aww shit! wat the fuck is that thing?!?!"
i dont hate Canadia i think its a beautiful and peaceful place (even though i have bad memories of that place) (the truth is im only saying this cuz my bf's from Canadia and he's sitting like 5 feet away from me sooo...-_-) but it's sorta nice i mean i dont hate it but i dont luv it either ._.

okay hes a weird creature
not a person

oh...well ive kinda wanted to go to Canada at least once
ya know to see a moose and all that fun stuff :D

okay ._.

that reminds me......what happened between you and truewolf123? cuz he doesnt come here anymore.
and i think society-of gardians is hiding because we suspected him of being the-last-gardian (which i now think is actually true bc he stopped coming here ._.)

i have no idea
i thought he either forgot about NG or for unknown reason just left
i thought so too maybe hes just hiding til he either makes another alt. and comes on here with that or something...but hes welcome to come back. same with the-last-guardian. granted we did had a bit of a falling out with him but that doesnt mean we absolutely hate him. so hes more than welcome to come back here anytime he wants to and i wouldnt try to stop him or anything. i dont block users on my posts. anyone can comment if they want to granted like the same 4 people comment on here (you, vicariouse, kupia :), and destrayop) i already got a comment from someone who has never commented on here before as the first comment on this post.

one of my teachers was Jewish.
i hated that guy...
was it one of those jewish people with the little hats and the long beards and weird braided like hair?
or like a rabbi? (for some reason i kept wanting to type Shaman)

with the little hat and beard, thats wat made me want to share
did u hate him for some other reason or cuz he was jewish?
there arent many jews where i live (or nuns)

oh okay.

and no he was just an annoying douche bag of a teacher
might be because a lot of people around here are part German...

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