I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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ehh most ppl cant -_-
well now i have questions
yah i know u were pretty clear bout that

then ask said questions and you might get answers
and yeah i was...

Crazy people make me crazy. I'm only slightly crazy, but when other wackos get their fur ruffled in my direction....
Did you sell that guitar you were planning on selling? I got lucky and made some good money digging yesterday - I have to go back tomorrow and find the septic tank (the old man buggered off this morning, then fell asleep in his chair - if he could stay quiet at night, I could have some kinda sleep schedule). Literally shit work, but it's gotta get done.

crazy people make me seem sane...

i did...but after having it for sale for like a month and no one seeming to want it i sold it to the first person that wanted it. they didnt have the full amount i wanted for it so they're paying me the money in payments. and we agreed that if they missed a payment i get the guitar back and they said i could keep any money they gave me up until then.
and thats sucks dude :/

nah its pointless -_-
wackos.....why does that remind me of punching bags and clowns?.....O.o
wat if you were a nazi....but you were secretly a jew? ._. is that real?......CAN that be real?

i have no idea O.o
i dont know if thats possible...i mean it MIGHT be
but i dont know...

it seems like it wouldnt
did you know that Hitler wanted to be an artist when growing up?

yeah i knew though
his life ended up going in a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different direction though

yah it did...
did u know he was born somewhere in Austria? and his father never liked him or the thought of him being an artist :P

yeah i knew that stuff too...weird right?
imagine how his father would have felt if he lived to see what he did when he was older...

that would've been funny.....
no its weird that i read a dictonary and every single year of the World Books just to say i did
i didnt know that peacocks could fly.....only like a short distant but yah. and only the male birds are the pretty ones ._.

i read the dictionary once ._.
i knew that...
and that too
and i didnt even have to look it up...

Heh, yeah I know peacocks can fly - used to shoot (pellet gun) at the neighbor's two peacocks when they came to eat our cat's dry food (our cats couldn't take 'em... they'd peck and flap their wings...) It's dangerous for foul to eat cat food - they can choke to death on it pretty easy.
I had my bro and sis' World Book Encyclopedia set... from the early 60's. Some of the info was dated of course, but it was pretty concise otherwise (another pre-internet invention for the masses).

you used to shoot peacocks with a pellet gun O_o
did you know Encyclopedia Britannica has ended publication?

i shot a wolf once, is that anything?
i've always wanted a peacock and name it Jeffrey.....i dont know why Jeffrey but yah
why would you shoot them?!?! why not just shoo them away??
no one i know owned any type of encyclopedia or dictionary for some reason. im serious like NO ONE O_O at ALL.

i shot someone...on a game...
my sister used to call her cat jeffery...dont really know why, its a girl cat...
i never owned an encyclopedia either...i had a dictionary but i dont know where it is now...

i shot someone too......it wasnt on a game ._. but i've done that too
that makes no sense O.o
i once had a dictionary but then it somehow got a perfect hole right in the middle of it......... then i lost it :D

oh...thats nice
i know! it was weird...and the cats name is whiskers. thats nowhere close to jeffrey
how did you get a hole in it? O_o

Those peacocks were as nasty, stubborn things that had pretty shreddy talons. I suspected them in the death of two kitties. Indian extremists and noisy as all fuck.
Jeffery is a fun, jaunty name... My buddy with the Ranchero's name was Jeff, he also played guitar, had ADD. No sense to list more, as life is a circle.
I've taken shot, but not given it. The only reference books I use now are: The Doctors Book of Home Remedies (by Prevention mag health books) annnd DVD & Video Guide 2004.

:'( poor kitties

o_o that person sounds like me...but named jeff
i have a ranchero, i play guitar, i have ADD..

i dont know what we have in the way of reference books anymore...everything is all jumbled around in the house nowadays...

R---Reference... B--b--books? What is this strange technology you people speak of? Ancient readme files?

i dont know these reference...books? as you call them of which you speak
must be some strange alien technology of which i dont know anything about

Obviously an alien technology used to distract us folk from defending our planet from them their technological tin cans.. Long live the confederacy!

hmm seems about right
damn aliens!

wat if everyone was secretly an alien?........O.o hahaha yesh!......its working! >:D
duuuhhh why do you think i wanted to name it Jeffrey :P
Whiskers? wat a stupid and boring name for a cat. Wolfeman's got a cat named Whiskey :P
I think he wanted you to know Jeff was like you otherwise he couldve just said "I had a friend named Jeff" ._.
wait "was"? did Jeff die or do you just not know him anymore? O_o

O.o that would be weird

yeah i know...but that cat is cool ._.
thats the purple-skinned cat that gives hugs...

hmm i find it a bit weird that people know other people that are REALLY similar to me...

[Big lawls at the ancient readme files] If everyone was secretly an alien, then were wouldn't be aliens at all - we'd all be the same! [Sry. Being weird to-day]
I think Jeff's okay... haven't spoken to him in 11 years though :( He moved to FL and wrecked his 84 Mustang... he woke up 5 weeks later with a titanium ceramic skull (1/3 skull). Coming back from playing a solo gig, he fell asleep at the wheel and hit a palm tree... that's what did it. He built the engine from parts and ran as smooth as a Swiss watch.. the 302 engine, I think.

holy shit dude thats crazy

aww he got it :(
11 years ago......i was a child ._.
i think it deserves a new name.....
yah that is kinda weird.....but i dont know anyone like you so blah -_-.............oh but i do know someone with the name you "claim" is your real first name O.o

i was also a child ._.
thats amazing...pretty much everyone i know knows someone like me...
but it is my real first name D:

Man, I'm telling you! I looked into these ancient readme files called books, they're like the internet made out of paper! It's the craziest thing...

dude...what is this paper of which you speak of?

im aware of that...so were a bunch of other ppl....all the 11 year olds in the world werent even born back then!
maybe like Purple Nurple or something or Fuzzy......yesh Fuzzy! :D im totally naming my next pet that!
again i dont....
it kinda bothers me that i do bc its a specific person ._.
theres a lot of Jessica's in the world! and Joshua's and Jacobs! also Jennifers......ever noticed that? its kinda weird....and they all start with J!

hahaha that would be awesome and a bit weird...
because i had a cat named Fuzzy o_o

i have noticed that..i had like 4 Joshs in my grade. and 2 Jessicas. didnt have a Jacob...there was a Jake though...

I think its what happens when you chop a tree into really thin slices :l like bread :l. Crazy stuff man... What is paper even good for.

whoa man...thats some crazy stuff right there...

Yeah, we're crazy alright. I told someone here my actual name and she used it in a post on her blog! Could never get mad with her though... one of her classmates died of epilepsy, not much older than you guys.
Jessicas and Jennifers, but none of the others at all, though I did work w/ a Freshman Josh at Wendy's when I was a Junior I think... used to live around the corner from me, near an abandoned colonial hotel where Washington slept... I still remember seeing the stagecoach road path through the trees when I was younger still.
I think I'd have called the purple cat, Wuzzy, after fuzzy wuzzy was a bear... a grateful dead bear ().o

really? who was it?
that sucks dude :(
but that colonial hotel thingy is kinda cool...

and i have like 5 stuffed Grateful Dead bears O:
and along with Fuzzy we had a cat named...Wuzzy...both of which were the purple cats kittens...

there was like 6 or 7 Jessicas at my school, the population seemed to go around like 4th grade but there was a lot of them in high school ._.
can i know you real name? :P i said please.....well not rly.....please! ._.
oh wow i dont know wat Greatful Dead bears are...
Poofly's previous name was Wuzzy ._.

there were quite a few jessicas in my school ._.

now we see what he says to this...

i have this \/
http://www.freewebs.com/sakuraina zamino/photos/Items/DSC_0478.JPG

we gave away Wuzzy :(
she was super fluffy and awesome too D:

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