Had to take the space out if it - looks like a voodoo, creole bear! Genuine grateful dead issue? That's were most of their money came from: moichendising!
Space Balls the cap, Space Balls the T-shirt, Space Balls deh flamethrowa (whoosh) - the kids love that one. Freshman year, I went to school w/ this Army brat who's father had a desktop flamethrower, from the company that made 'em for the war Vietnam. Took lighter fluid and atomized it - you had to use it at it's lowest setting... you had to pump it, just like the bigger bro.
for some reason all the Jessicas were dumb and liked to be called Jess O.o
awww man! the waiting game! WHYYYYYYY!!
I have a super fluffy cat named Meredith...
same here...
because he like me mean >:( hahaha
i have a super fluffy cat here named midnight...