I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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46,370 / 100,000
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10.01 votes
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11y 2m 12d


Dude, why you on NG today? Get eatin' and drinkin'... have a good time!
Hope you get lots lots of presents that last a lifetime.

because theres nothing to do around here
and this is all i can think of doing
plus i cant go drinking...
and i actually dont like my birthday
dont ask why...i dont feel like explaining

i pretty much just got money...i could use that to buy stuff :D

Okay, you got some bucks, bur nothing to spend it on?
May as well save it for the trip then, eh?
Here's an interesting picture site I rediscovered <a href="http://www.darkroastedblend.com/">http://www.darkroastedblend.com/</a>
The kids at my old house are having a drunken orgy... if they weren't so boring and dumb, I'd try and insinuate myself into the situation.....

yep seems like it
i guess i might as well do that...
interesting site

dont really know what to say about that last thing...


woo thanks dude

My sis always sez, the month of your birthday should last all month... treat yourself when you can and enjoy every day of it.
Wurfel's an interesting Canadian fellow. I'm glad he's on NG... he's in computer networking and shares his knowledge from the hinterland oil fields. His writings look quite mad, but the facts speak for themselves. Computer security's changed a lot in the past 10-15 years......

hmm...interesting view on that

i dont really know what else to say
although i agree with the computer security thingy

I'm good at system recovery and building computers, not so crash hot at keeping them idiot proof. Some people will click on anything (not that you need to these days). I'm shocked my cousin's computer lasted as long as it did without my admin (I think MS spiked the OS - files are all still there).

im good at neither of those...

i dont know how computers im on stay working as long as they do.
then my brother gets his hands on em and after like a day or two it has so many viruses on it that it crashes...

Hey. I think this author's Norwegian. If he's a square, maybe you should start a thread on who's Norwegian or speaks it.... either way, I'd PM him just to see the Norse version he mentioned.
That guy who died, Randy Solem, I used to go to his website every time I finished up w/ NGs around 2000, 2001. He must've been a good writer for me to have remembered his webpage from over ten years ago.

i might...

and i heard about that...last night...
didnt know him too well, but i saw a few of his flashes on here before.
not a huge fan of sprite stuff on here but yeah...
he'll be missed :(

Whoops... <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/592158">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/592158</a> - you'll probably check your page first, then go stat whoring the portal, but, here's the bloke's submission in question.

thanks for the link dude

HAPPY LATEZ YA HIPPY RELATED THING! heres some tobacco and a vibrater if u get bored -_- (i know u will)
yesterday when of the nurses asked for my birth date i said August 28th instead of April 11th i dont even know why August 28th theres never anything special that day ._.
so wat'd u get or buy?

hahaha thanks?
im good...

...and thats really weird ._.

i got $100 because no one in my family (including aunts and uncles and all that like giving money)
and im saving money for something :P

now that i have mentally ideantified u as a hippy related thing its beginning to feel more true....
i hope my grandma still sane enough to get me money and gifts.......and aunts and uncles and siblings father....

but im not a hippie D:
but thats not gonna stop you from saying that i am one haha
my grandma's sanity is slowly going away but shes still mostly all there...

Since my mom died, I haven't got anything for my birthday. My sister and brother send me card at Christmas, sometimes with a few bucks.

ive been getting pretty much just money since i was about 10 because my family decided i didnt need anything bought for me or anything like that...
oh well its not really anything i care much about though
i dont get christmas cards sent to me by anyone...
then again i dont really know anyone who WOULD send me a christmas card

both sides of my family are pretty rich so i get money and/or presents sent to me from my countless aunts and uncles older cousins ._.
i make Christmas cards.........even the paper...ITS ALL ORGANIC AND ECO FRIENDLY! :D YAY TREES!!

neither sides of my family are anywhere near rich ._.

i dont even send christmas cards to anyone...

I used to love making holiday cards... don't know how eco-mental they were...
Just sat down to have lunch when a voice actress just PMed me - I sent her a PM yesterday wondering if she still lurks here. I'd never have bothered her, but her read in Faux 5 was brilliant enough to warrant a helpful hand (seeing as the cartoonist that employed her was French, and could give a crap about small fry work in the US)
....damn lunch's getting cold!

well i only make cards if i REALLY want to
and thats pretty much never...

so what exactly did you say to her? and what did she say back?
and who was it?

<a href="http://kaychallis.newgrounds.com/">http://kaychallis.newgrounds.com/</a> Granted, I'm a horny old man, but her performance was nuanced and skillful enough to notice. She was surprised I wrote her (she remembered my review of her VO demo), and gave me her work links (she's trying for some paid gigs, but doesn't mind a high quality freebie every so often). I sent back that she should list those things on her webpage, and that I'd help network her to some higher profile animators.
I'm almost 40... I should know a good read when I hear it...

ah okay

id be surprised too if someone PMed me out of nowhere...
since i seriously get NO PMs ever
the only people that have PMed me more than once were
The-Last-Guardian, Bantun, you, Kupia, and mybibliophile.
other than that i got PMs from Bahamut (because i was looking for an album) and HeavenDuff (HE was looking for an album)

yah im not very proud or fond of either sides of my family -_- but they give good gifts and a nice amount of money.
home made paper is cool lookin and fun

my entire family is full of cheap people that only care about themselves
the ONLY people that arent like that are my one aunt and uncle.
unlike everyone else they are nice.

ive actually never seen homemade paper...
how do you even make that?

i learned from the magic of google!

Place a small handful of wet, torn paper and two cups of water in a blender and blend for 15 to 30 seconds. (Thick cardboard or quality papers will take longer.) After a while, experience will tell you how long to blend different kinds of paper. Remember when first starting out, blend paper for the shortest possible time âEU" just long enough for the fibers to separate. Stop the machine after 15 seconds and check; if there are still large pieces of paper visible, allow another 10 seconds and check again. If the pulp is too thick, add more water; do not dilute it too much or you will produce fine, fragile sheets that are difficult to work with. Don't worry about little bits that do not break down entirely; they will add character to the paper.

If you don't have a blender, beat the soaked paper strips into pulp by pounding them in a bucket with a thick stick or bottle filled with water. Although pounding the pulp is historically more authentic than using electric appliances, be forewarned: it is hard, time-consuming work.

After blending the pulp, pour it into a bucket or large plastic bottle until you have enough for several sheets. Figure that one load in the blender will make one thin sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" paper. A two-gallon bucket of pulp will make 20 to 25 sheets.

From Pulp to Paper

Pour three quarts of pulp into a vat (a square plastic dishpan with a capacity of about five gallons of water) and add cold water up to three inches from the top. Then stir the pulp gently with your hand or a wooden spoon. (Do this before forming each sheet to prevent the pulp from settling on the bottom.) Dampen the mesh on your mold.

Read more: <a href="http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yourself/1993-12-01/How-To-Make-Homemade-Paper.aspx#ixzz1pnG3lPI3">http://www.motherearthnews.com/Do-It-Yourself/
1993-12-01/How-To-Make-Homemade-Paper.aspx#ixz z1pnG3lPI3</a>

hmm interesting...

[For a moment, I thought she was describing some weird abortion technique!]
But, yeah, wow, haven't done that pulp to paper thing since grade school! It's pretty neat when it's done, though we used real wood... or at least a little real wood for texture. God I'm old.
Now I have to walk to the store for extortion (premade smokes), call my sister back (because our pop is a few days from death) and.... maybe eat today? He was quiet all last night so I slept 8 hours and then some more this afternoon.

i did too O: haha

i never did that...ever...

have fun with all of that i guess...

i saw pics of abortion...........its disgustingly creepy

it is o_o

oh hey it was wolfeman20s b-day a couple weeks ago i think

oh i didnt know that
thats interesting

You can magnify pictures of anything, and it'll look creepy, especially if it's mammal based.
Next post, (tomorrow or friday, I'll put one up alongside the Federal Reserve video or something else... I thought Tom was going to allow multiple pictures, not just laggy linked videos. Now 'cause the web author died, I'll have to wait for another post!

well...thats not necessarily true
what if you have a pic of a...gingerbread man?

and i was hoping for multiple pictures :/

Okay, after cooking, a gingerbread man would need some pretty good lighting and angles to be made to look scary. But I'm sure there's some microscopic monstrosity somewhere in that confection.....

all this talk of gingerbread men makes me want to make one and eat its limbs and make it suffer >:D

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