i hope i do......its worth everything life has to offer....................................(w8 wat?)
I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.
Age 31, Male
Joined on 6/18/10
i hope i do......its worth everything life has to offer....................................(w8 wat?)
i guess so?
I agree w/ s___y. Not everything's been done yet. There aren't too many boy/girl fights on screen.. maybe with all the gay marriage stuff going on, maybe there'll be like, a fucked of version of Grease or Porky's or somethin'.
see sandy its entirely possible for it to happen someday
just gotta give it a bit of time i guess...
i haven't seen Grease or Porky's in awhile
same with Pulp Fiction
although after god knows how long i finally got a copy of it
but i couldn't find it on dvd so i got it on vhs
Connection at the house's pretty bad today, dunno why it's been constantly dropping - might take a walk later on to "radio" in... might be able to put in a reflector of sorts, to aim the signal my way.
that sucks :/
i might take a short nap or something later because im a bit tired at the moment
Same thing happened to me last evening, but (like in my vhs movie) I set the alarm for am 'stead of pm, ending up sleeping an hour or so longer than I wanted... Woke up more tired than I expected.
oh right about that IT TOTALLY HAPPENED!! :D one moment im staring at the ground from my window then the next i see my little brother (hes blonde, gay and 15! :D) fighting with some cheerleader (except she was ginger :( but who cares!! :D) and there just clawing each other while some dude in a football uniform tries to split them up. i wouldve made a video but i lost my phone again and i rly didnt wanna look for another camara while THAT was happening but rly the entire time i was thinking "Whoa!! i totally wanted to see that yesterday!! how random!! :D" and "Huh! good things Can happen to me!"
[To s___y of course]
You get bonus points for a redheaded cheerleader!
It's those little moments.
They rock.
How gay is your little bro?
How creepy was the cheerleader.. probably don't know her anyway right?
woo you get bonus points :D
how gay? uhh.......he tried to steal my first boyfriend (ofcourse he dumed me and never talked to me again bc of that -_-)
she had the longest nails i'd ever seen!! and the only thing i know about her is that her names Marcie and shes a slut (big surprize -_- i repeat. shes a cheerleader!)
surprizingly my brother won ._.
your brother won?
I'll leave the responses to Viper50 since it's HIS post...
Been meaning to ask about the potential fender food incident... were you walking to the store when some kid or old coot decides to make Carmageddeon (early DOS driving game, forget I said that) meat out of you?
about the almost getting hit by a car thing?
i help my dad deliver bundles of newspapers in the morning on saturdays
and on my way back from dropping off a few bundles at a house this guy peels out in the middle of the road while im walking across and you could obviously see me. then i got out of the way just in time and when he drove off i shouted
"Hey why dont you look where you're going next time ya fucking jackass"
and proceeded to flip him off.
wat the hell?..............O.o
i have no idea...
Yeah, could've deleted a few of them... I guess when the wifi cuts out (as it has been), there's like a security lag or something. If hit Submit once, the browser might not send it. I kinda hit it three times, and somewhere in this fucked up code it said, "Fuck it, it's newgrounds, spam away!" Sorry.
I love it when ppl drive like hell, then have the time to curse your existence... next time, tell him to go home to New Jersey.
i'll delete the other 2 comments now
thats really weird...
i only like it when im not in the line of fire of the car thats driving like that
will do hahaha
How go your Norwegian studies? Is mailing stuff there gonna be hard (guitar from Brazil +/or America)? Took me just over a year to get comic books from the UK when I was a runt (in the early 80's). Just finding out now it was worth it - the US translations were blah.
okay i guess
not very good but im not absolutely horrible
no idea really
im thinking i might try to bring a guitar with me
but there is a chance it'll get broken on the way there so i dont know...
They're not on the Euro dollar thingy right? So what's a combo meal at McD's gonna run ya when you get there? You need shots or a blood test before you go..?
I've only been to Niagara falls and TJ, when we (the US) weren't nearly as crazy as we are now.
they use kroner
i think...
i know US is USD and Norway is NOK
1 USD = roughly 5 NOK
i think...
i hate needles o_o
seriously needles freak me out
i know it must sound weird
but seriously they scare the crap outta me
question for whoever cares
does anyone listen to the music i put on here?
I have just listened. I was made to feel guilty, so I did listen... while checking the news on Drudge Report. Bad move on my part. Good move on your part for the music post.
Very Black Sabbathy... the first half sounds like something I'd listen to if I had just cut my wrists :3
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoned_Jesus">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoned_Jesus</a> Whoa, so this is new stuff from an old country, huh? Very neat indeed! I was wondering if shit was cut before or after I was born... I figured late 70's.
I think there's a Who video for Boris the Spider... but yeah, that's what I like. The vocals were a bit subdued.
oh okay
yeah its weird you really wouldn't expect them to be from where they're from when you listen to it...
and it does sound like its quite a bit older than it actually is
i like Boris the Spider, its not my favorite song by them (thats either Baba O'Riley or Love, Reign O'er Me) but its still a good song :D
Like in early Black Sabbath, you can hear the hunger in their performance... guess these days, they'd call it Euro-Grunge or something.
When MTV first came out, they used to play really old music videos with terrible blue screen effects from Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, etc... MTV hates music now, but those old videos were something.
I guess next post, I'll scour YouTube for some early Prog-Rock stuff. Maybe not Moody Blues or Jethro Tull, but something even more interesting like ... well, you'll see.
i can see what you mean by that
then again a lot of the good music is the older music
i pretty much dont even watch MTV anymore because it just point blank SUCKS
it was A LOT better in the 90's when they had stuff like Beavis and Butthead and good shows and had actual music on it still
oh well...what can ya do...
looking forward to seeing what you'll put up
I was reading this thread on how the Portal's dying <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1294777">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1294777</a> , and just checked it again to find that Tom had posted some thoughts.
The old timers are right: early on, the purple submissions covered the screen. Now it seems things have dropped off. You think NG's gonna peter out someday? Become irrelevant?
i read that thread
and i completely agree with it
theres like no new submissions in the portals
before the redesign there were a TON of new things every day
and the day they fix the thing for submitting stuff A LOT of people submitted
but then after that it slowed down a lot
then more
then more
and now its almost completely stopped
it might eventually happen to NG
but i dont see it happening any time soon
Just hoping Tom's right. I mean, before you signed on, YouTube used to steal shit right outta the Portal w/ no credit given. Now, just to keep up with things and more members,...YT links and a page on YT (I guess). It worked. Last year we had a shit load 'Tubers join up, but damn few of them submit non-video content. Still, it's exploitation.
Stupid crap-top video card gave up the ghost - can only export to an expensive tube monitor now.
It's like I said to bibliophile... we're all fighting entropy.
yeah i used to see a bunch of stuff i saw on here on youtube all the time
i guess it somewhat helped when NG made a Youtube page...i mean it wasnt an entirely good idea
but it got more people knowing about NG and i guess with more people we have more of a chance having people come in and make good stuff and having even more people coming here
granted there are like 3,000,000 people on here at the moment or something like that
we have great artists still and great game and movie makers too
i actually never understood how you can take stuff like that off the site
never really thought about it ever
Right? I mean, when I did public access TV, we had similar restrictions. I'd usually gank one or two songs per episode. Then I'd print out the creds, put 'em on a 90 degree angle facing a 45 deg. angled plexiglass, shoot through that at a TV screen... poor man's dissolve.
!! I think I just found my cousin's BF on the PSN! If so, hijinks are going ensue!
Guess I should have more faith in this bedraggled old site.
that sounds like it would have been fun to do...
until you got the FCC all over your ass for doing something thats not "allowed" to be on there
woo hijinks
Nah. The only bad thing that happened was this Sports commentator guy lost his.. well, adults do bat-shit stupid things too. Using the "F" word. With casual abandon. While a stockholder's wife was watching at home (Cablevision). Next season our reg forms tripled in pages. Pheh.
Only takes one asshole to spike a Halloween treat or a bottle of aspirin... one dumb broad to stop her bus ON the railroad tracks, that cost millions their liberty and money. Nanny statesmanship.
The 90's were fat years, but the memories are growing damn thin... just like me.
But just talking about it and being here with these amazing creative people - reminds me! to check up on this dude in his 50's; amazing artist... even did 2 flashes!
After I get done coloring <a href="http://littlenerdgirl.newgrounds.com/">http://littlenerdgirl.newgrounds.com/</a> line art, I gotta do some audio acting.
's been a while since you released something... you feeling your age?
oh okay
well that must have sucked having to deal with that stuff then...
and people do stupid stuff all the time
its nothing out of the ordinary
hmm not bad
and since I released something?
i actually have 4 new things on here
(3 i actually did 1 i just agreed to being a part of even though i didnt do shit on it)
now my amount of audio is at 59
i might upload something so i round it off at 60
still not bad
i COULD have more
if i got off my lazy ass and decided to record something
but eh im not complaining
u know watd be hillarious watching a rich blonde cheerleader fight a 15 year old blonde gay dude for some guy and then the cheerleader looses and the gay kid gets the guy...........i wonder if i'll ever get to see that O.o
that would be very...odd and funny to see that
and who knows maybe you will