I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

Exp Points:
46,370 / 100,000
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10.01 votes
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11y 2m 11d


That sudden ending creeped me out D:

I know right? D:

so long as the real life stuff is alright. Hope so.

Real life stuff has been very "eh" for awhile now and doesn't feel like it's going to stop any time soon.

Ya got the same feel myself. I guess between the economy and the growing clouds over humanitiy's future, ppl are dulling out even more. YouTube and meme culture makes the pain of today go away.

I haven't touched this site in forever, but I just logged in looking for something in my dump and decided to go through my old newsposts. Look at this cringey bullshit I posted and you commented on when you apparently had 5 posts. Your post count has grown so much since then


I only gotten a little more posts since then.
But oh god I was so god damn cringey back then x_x it's weird seeing what 7 years can do to how one acts.

Oh cool glad metroidgirl checked in!
They want me in skype but I dont wanna, maybe it's for the best idk, I'm still picky about what programs I run.
Yea you should put in appearances here like once a week or something, once here, once there. Ever think of getting a trailer hitched closer to work? Any snow bunnies around?

How has everyone been doing? I've pretty much not talked to anyone for a long ass time.
Also, I'm very much considering leaving where I'm currently working and getting a different job. They're pretty much screwing over my ability to work multiple days a week by giving other people more days to work but slowly take away MINE. It's at the point where I'm only working A day a week and I can't only be working that little..

And that depends on your definition of "snow bunny" seeing as that can mean multiple things haha.

Dami texted me around Xmas, she's OK, going to school and work, still talking to Nick and Tacoslayer on Skype I guess, I prefer Discord so...

You think after being w/ them this long, they'd let you keep some hours, fire someone who isn't pulling their weight, sucks man. But yeah, any time you got doubts about a job, keep looking for a new one; bigger the doubts the more intensive the search.

Well the predators have done a number on nature where I'm at, haven't seen a bunny in a while.. same w/ the 2 legged variety as well. Used to go to a place for rub downs, but the town closed 'em a few months ago for unrelated violations

I just got a discord myself. I pretty much don't use it outside of talking to one friend though. How is Nick?

You'd think so. But I guess you'd be wrong. I mean I've been there for almost 4 years now and at the moment the following has happened: it went from me, John (the other afternoon housekeeper), and 2 laundry workers (Levi who is now I think 19 and Larry who is around my dad's age). Larry ended up quitting because he felt like he should retire since he is roughly 67. Levi took over the majority of laundry duties but the rest got split with me and I did both laundry and housekeeping alternating through the week with John doing housekeeping on whatever days I was in laundry and myself working housekeeping when I was working with Levi. They randomly decided to try getting more actual housekeepers in there and stuck me in laundry for the most part and have me do housekeeping on rare occasions. Then Levi and John decided they were going to go to do college shit. And that more or less fucked everything up. Levi can only work Friday - Sunday and John can only work Thursday - Sunday. So They had me working Monday - Thursday which was awesome for me because I was making a decent amount of money. Then one of the morning housekeepers who pretty much JUST started told my boss she needed more hours so they decided it'd be: her working Mondays and Wednesdays and John working Thursday - Sunday with Levi's schedule staying intact and mine too but no more housekeeping because they got some random chick who has been there for awhile but has lets just say "mental issues" working Tuesday. She barely has any idea where she is half the time and tends to just leave randomly without saying a word to anyone. They can't get rid of her because that'd be illegal so she stays on despite that. Lately they've been having next to nothing for laundry to do so instead of trying to spread stuff out across the week for us to do they cut back on MY days so Levi can get all 3 of his days in and even then decide he's working too much and cut back on his. Last time I worked was on Monday. They had more than enough down there to justify my being able to come in yesterday and potentially even TODAY but did I even get either suggested to me? No. I ended up working a whole 2 hours longer than I was technically supposed to as a bit of a middle finger to my boss for fucking with my schedule without asking for my input on anything and just expecting me to be okay with it. I've brought up the fact that I'm very unhappy to more than a few people but nothing has changed and I'm honestly just hoping that come the start of next month they get their shit in gear and realize that "Hey, Brandon should probably be working more since the laundry room is fucking overloaded and no one is working down there for a solid THREE DAYS and shit keeps piling up and we're expecting a teenager to knock it all out over the course of the weekend." Also, you'd think they'd get rid of people who aren't pulling their weight, but that would include taking out about 75% of the morning shift and the other two people in the afternoon. Both of whom are ALSO morning shift people. And my boss would do any of that because her and her mom (who was my former boss) play favorites with the morning shift and expect the afternoon workers to just pick up their messes and get pissy with us when we don't do something but don't mind when the morning shift does the same thing. The problem is, if I leave, Levi is most likely going to leave too because there's no way he is going to take having to deal with an entire weeks worth of shit piled on him over the course of the weekend on top of him going to school full-time, running multiple servers on discord, having to juggle a social life, running websites, working on a game with a couple friends of his, and ya know actually doing something that isn't going to stress him out to the point where he has even more grey hair than he already does (he is 19 and already has chunks of grey hair due to stress). And then if Levi leaves John is going to leave too and has told both me and Levi this more than once. So my leaving will cause a domino effect that's going to take out their entire afternoon housekeeping department and that's more than a little nerve wracking and is really the only thing keeping me there because I want to leave but I don't want to royally fuck over not just my boss, but other managers, other lodge staff, and guests/visitors.

Speaking of predators, we apparently have a coyote living in the woods on the edge of the field that's across the street from my house. I've never seen it myself but my dad, sister, and brother have. So coming home late at night like I do makes me a little nervous because I have no idea if the thing is still out there or not. Still have 0 of the two legged variety on my end. I mean I AM talking to someone who I technically have known OF for a looong ass time (back when I used to be in a band with my sister, cousin, and our friend she was dating the singer/bassist of a band we played with once and that we all ended up befriending. Apparently they broke up or something and I randomly ran across her on a dating site. We keep trying to set up a day we can hang out but our schedules keep clashing. Like last week she only had Monday off and that happened to be the ONLY day I was working and this week she had Monday off again but I was working and then she has the weekend off but is going on vacation with a couple of her friends to Vegas and wont be back til next Tuesday).

Kinda sounds like my time working for the mall second shift, although the morning staff did OK, but they had fuck all to do. All of em were past retirement, all were union. The night shift wasn't union, even though we were working 40 hours a week, and had the day's mess to deal with. Only thing the morning staff did was run a machine over the floor and walk around picking up bits from the few public ppl that came in from 9-3pm, which was hardly anything.

If nothing changes by the end of the month, gonna have to tell management, they either reward the hard workers with more hours, or they're fucked. A business is no place to play favorites, only proven professionals... I'd almost say, print your last response to me and read selected bits... if she wants to look at it, tell her you wrote it to a friend who has seen his fair share of shit in grout, needles in blood boxes and crazy patrons (and co-workers) alike.

Anyone call the town or county to let them know a coyote is stalking expensive pets and babies? Sure they don't pay taxes, but their owners do. No one wants to read, "A dingo et mah baby" in the paper or on a complaint form. Again, that sharts, you should have a steady schedule, only dictated by how busy the place is, not due to crazy poopers. Also I've got some nice memes and gifs on my page, might cheer you up?

You're birthday's in 12 days and I remembered.
How are you it's been a while

Oh hey you're here and remembered.

I'm okay I guess. Very little has been going on on my end.

by the nicks doing good and sometimes we talk about you and shit

Oh. Well good to know you didn't completely forget about me.

One of gaming buddies cleans business w/ his boss and roommate for a living in Pittsburgh, not too many stories, as the mess makers are gone by the time he comes in.

Really missing racing w/ him and the crew in GTA:O... bot banned me last month, likely all the shit I earned is gone, real sad about it.

this site changed again kill me I don't like change
hope you're doing well by the way

I'm doing okay I guess. Honestly not a ton going on on my end. My dad had to get teeth pulled at the dentist today so that happened.