I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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Dating sites are creepy, as is craigslist and backpage.
Here's the cat http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/bcee7e487f42e151ffefba8c2486fe64
Her eyes are just now starting to change, took long enough.

Yeah.....but some of them are decent looking. But all of them have at least a few creepy dudes.

Ah. Hmm...dunno. Looks normal to me.

Speaking of eye changing. For some odd reason I dreamt that my eye color changed. I fell asleep at like noon. My eyes went from being dark brown to me having 3 eyes that were half light brown and half blue-green. I have 0 idea what that means......

It means you're going to be a solid dependable person in time. Did my senior thesis on dreams, and what I said in the first sentence, is completely subjective.

So....having 3 color changing eyes means I'm going to be a dependable person? o.O
What did you say?

LOL @Vicarious.

@pinkv86 you forgot the E... I was wondering why it didn't show up on my feed thingy. In fact I got curious enough to check... there is a vicarious, and he made an account a few days after I did! Long dead account though.

I lost the mommy to that mini cat Friday, she got run over :( She survived the serpentine belt in the truck, but not traffic. Pretty miserable weekend...

You know what you could do? See if you can take over Vicarious' account just in case someone forgets the E at the end of yours haha.

That last part kinda bummed me out though :/

Eeeh? http://the-under-age-viper.newgrounds.com/
You got an alt kid lol?

Haha nah I don't :P
I do have...lets see.....5 accounts. Counting this one.

So if your GF gets one and you have three kids, you're all set.

I buggered up myself driving a bike I just got, about 5 hours ago :( Happened inthe back field but I'm in a lot of pain. Takes my mind off the other kinds of pain lol, and I got plenty of that this week already

Damn, I'd love to stay and talk, but I'm afraid if I sit too long, ill get stiff and it will hurt worse... dreading sleep - the ribs under thearm pit on that one side and my gut hurt, my head landed like a mortar, I'm sure - poof!

I guess we will be. But I doubt she'd want any more than one haha.

Yeah I saw on your post.....so what happened exactly?

I guess just try to rest or something.

I guess my tricep (top of shoulder) and the upper part of my ribs took damage, neck's in iffy shape too, a brain bucket might've helped a little... I met an EMT at Wawa, lol, asked her for a quick feel. She suggested hospital/xray or at least a good wrapping

I dork, therefore I am. Still miserable and alone

Damn....hope you get that checked out.

Lol, now you sound like I did when you were headbutting everything within an inch of your life!
So far, so good, but the swelling and pain is going to take a while to heal. Shocked nothing got broken, even where my collarbone connects under my neck took a good jolt, swelled up!

So how's your free time? A little NG, some non-NG games? Meditating whilelistening to your stockpile of (ripped) CD's

Haha yeah.....looking back I was an idiot about all of that.
Oh. Well good to know I guess.

Good I suppose. Chelsea bought me a book. And before you say anything.....this is the book
It's a field guide to "magic mushrooms". But its predominately amazing mushroom paintings.
like Roger Dean amazing.

Lol, dropping the name my parents gave me in the BBS... oh well, thanks for the gif, kid really deserves it! Maaaaan |: I gotta get butts and go cat food shopping. Think I cracked a rib tackling the ground Sunday, but it's been good to catch up on sleep. Around 3 tomorrow, I'm meeting my ex (of damn nigh 20 years) for lunch at that Kilted Tilt place, should be interesting... maybe I should bring my camera have one of the girls snap our old asses.

Ahhh yeah......it's not like a bunch of people on here don't know your name though. I mean people were calling you Steve when you were on the cam for Pico Day last year (dunno for this year though....)
You tackled the ground!? o.O
How was the meeting of the ex at the (I'm assuming you meant) Tilted Kilt?

Oh and that twee cat, the one I last linked here? Has a huge chunk of skin ripped from its backside, really wonder if it's gonna live, or should I put it down......

Damn.......I don't know. How bad is it exactly? And please don't post pics. Don't wanna see that.

My exgf cancelled on me, her husband's family is celebrating some religious holiday, and she's gotta make room, and food.. it's a free lunch, she'll call me when she has time to go.

Shroom book? Kind of an odd non-descript gift, though you do like good album cover art, not sure what to think of the phallic imagery...

The cat seems to be moving around okay, but... it's a big piece, and I wonder if any animal can live without a certain amount of skin missing O_O

Ah okay. Well hope you two can set up a time you two can hang out or whatever. And I hope her husband doesn't read into that too much and think theres anything going on.....

Yeah. I kinda told her I wanted it. I like the artists artwork. His name is Arik Roper.
And this is his site > http://www.arikroper.com/

Well you COULD take it to a vet and see if they can do something about it. Or if it'd be best to just have it put down. But then again thats if you can even afford that. If not you could bandage the wound up and hope it heals. Or something.

Eh, she's weird but faithful, he shouldn't have any problem... if she asked me, I'd probably bang her though, don't ask me why... just ceasing to give a fuck these days.......

Fuck, I won't get checked out, why should a cat get medical treatment when I can't?!?! I went back to the hospital offices today, looking for a doctor to test me for tick diseases, they were closed last time... now the office isn't even there |: If I called I'm sure no one would tell me how much testing and treatment costs... it's something you have to ask eye to eye, on the premises. I don't like getting anything done without knowing how much it's gonna cost (approximately), why should healthcare be any different?

Oh okay. Wasn't gonna ask but okay haha.

Heard about what happened with it.....sorry it had to come to that. And just take as much time off from this place as you need. It'd be best for you to do that til you're better and feeling at least sorta back to normal.

u r a fagget lol



you know of any other bands that sound similar? i've been recommending to whoever will listen for a while now

Oh wow um........the only band I guess I could really say is sorta similar would be maybe Windhand. They even released a new album last year too. Since for some reason this song I was going to give you a link to isn't on youtube and I can't seem to find the full album on there anymore, I'll just link their bandcamp to you. https://windhandva.bandcamp.com The track I was gonna send you is called Evergreen. But I'd say try out the whole album. Though I dunno if they're similar enough for you.

I wasn't normal to begin with, now I'm feeling way abby normal. Fuck, I've had mid-life crises in the past before, no idea what the fuck is up wif my brain. Plus, things are getting damn weird outside my door, that's not helping

I don't know man. But I'm positive you'll get everything all sorted out and you'll be a better person afterwards. Just take a bit to reassess your life and think about what you want for long term and short term goals and do what you can within your power do to reach those. But if you have anything crazy hard to accomplish try setting that for either a long term goal or have it be some sort of drive to get you to do things now or something to get you to a long term goal.
Don't know if you need ^that speech. But I've actually had to give a speech like that to my gf because she was considering quitting college and it helped her out A TON. Which is weird because I don't consider myself the motivational type of person. Go figure.

But yeah. Tell me whats on your mind.
And what weird stuff is going on outside? O.o

Ha! Between me, you, Dami and Nick, I guess we spouted enough 'help yourself' stuff to each other... glad you were able to center your GF's disposition. First 2 years always suck, cramming in the required courses first and all.

Well, I can't talk about the technically illegal stuff, but I was thinking about the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_surprise ebola-cola the establishment is trying to make all of us drink... and of course the ppl who have money on Wall St. are just as gullible and wonky as Joe Blow... oh well, let the first domino fall :

Hey thanks for the B-day wishes and kickass pic! I haven't been using the feed thing, just lurking around, like we used to do... in 10 days, it's up to 110 'interactions' must've been a backlog of ppl responding, idk

It's also been wall to wall humans around the farm as well, very atypical, though it does perk up as Fall descends... that's when vulnerable people remember the farmers, fresh food, resources and shit like that. Oh man

"When beards go bad", next time on Newgrounds

You gonna leave this up till your next birthday?

Probably not. I have more than enough to make another news post if I wanted to. I might make one tomorrow.

Good deal, we haven't touched base in a while... And Nick's been |: since he lost his license.

Yeah we haven't.....
And I sorta noticed that.