I miss little Chevy cars.. you could jack them up, right behind or in front of the wheel, without having to find a spot under the car. I just hope I can get the tires off the truck, if I need to... I don't trust anyone who punches a clock and wields an impact wrench set to infinity and beyond |: I begged the guy to set the lbs/sq" to 70, instead of their normal 100. At least there's a good film of anti-seize on em.
Any luck selling the lil old car? Maybe you should list it internationally.... Hemmings? I bet there's some folks in Silicon valley who'd love to buy it....
When I had a stashe, the cigarette smoke would embed itself :p I think you did mention that... but why couldn't you change the tire right then and there? Speaking of which, I really need to get the spare up underneath the ass of my Pop's truck... stupid winch system, really.
Yeah, that kinda van. Hell, you could probably tape up some plastic right behind where you sit, and it would help.
Ah. Well then yeah it is a good thing I don't smoke :P
Because we needed a different jack. The one we had with the car was crappy.
Yeah we could....we mainly need to get the tailgate fixed. It doesn't stay up when you open it.