I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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When I had a stashe, the cigarette smoke would embed itself :p I think you did mention that... but why couldn't you change the tire right then and there? Speaking of which, I really need to get the spare up underneath the ass of my Pop's truck... stupid winch system, really.

Yeah, that kinda van. Hell, you could probably tape up some plastic right behind where you sit, and it would help.

Ah. Well then yeah it is a good thing I don't smoke :P
Because we needed a different jack. The one we had with the car was crappy.

Yeah we could....we mainly need to get the tailgate fixed. It doesn't stay up when you open it.

I miss little Chevy cars.. you could jack them up, right behind or in front of the wheel, without having to find a spot under the car. I just hope I can get the tires off the truck, if I need to... I don't trust anyone who punches a clock and wields an impact wrench set to infinity and beyond |: I begged the guy to set the lbs/sq" to 70, instead of their normal 100. At least there's a good film of anti-seize on em.

Any luck selling the lil old car? Maybe you should list it internationally.... Hemmings? I bet there's some folks in Silicon valley who'd love to buy it....

Well the reason we needed a different jack is because the one that came with the car was crap.
What kind of tires do you need on it? Like size wise? 16"? 15"? Also I haven't changed tires in the longest time. So I have no idea what that needs to be set at on any of the cars we have....

The '51? Nah. We're probably going to hold off on trying to sell it til later this year.

Everyone likes little cars... http://pub25.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2099944454&frmid=5&msgid=942037&cmd=show Yeah, hold off, or just list it for 15 grand more, and see what happens, just take lots of pix.

16x70x255 or thereabouts... pretty massive, still udderly glad I dropped 700$ on 5 middle range priced tires. Sucks you can't raid the tire racks... used to be able to do that at K-Mart :\ They got new tread patterns now, finally look close to legit - still shocked they don't pick up more stones than they do. Poor truck's painted with salt >:(

Seems like it >.>
We'd need to put a couple grand into it before it's worth anywhere near that much o.O

Ah. Those are pretty big tires o.O I need new tires on my lark ._. the thread on the ones on it now are wearing out quite a bit and are going flat frequently.

Our cat Midnight died last night. She was at the vet and had an operation to get a bunch of tumors out of her. The operation went well and she was doing fine. I guess she just died in her sleep.....
She was 14.

She died in hospital? Damn man, really sorry :( Was anyone there while she passed? You have a picture of her?

Yeah.....thanks. Everyone has been taking it pretty hard.
No. She died in the middle of the night....
Yeah I do.
She lost a ton of weight and was losing some fur by the time we got her in there....

My housecat is almost that age, approximately. Lots of stuff been going on in the past month, huh? Glad you're getting shaken from your old rut, despite the rough spots.

We've had her forever....it still feels weird looking over at my bed and not seeing her curled up asleep right at the end....
And yeah a lot of stuff HAS been going on in the past month.

But on a lighter note... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/633406

Dear god....haha

Aww, dude, your cat isn't in the ground? You'd have to rent a jackhammer and hope the ice doesn't go too far down :\ Good time of year for a water line break, not. I hope she's safe and kinda cold....

Nope ._.
It's supposed to start warming up though. So we're planning on doing it then.
But yeah shes safe and cold. We have 2 vans up at our house and one we can't drive because one of the headlights doesn't work all that well. So shes been pretty much frozen in there til we can dig and get her buried.

That sucks a lot. But you're sure no mice can get to her?

I need to set up traps, those things get everywhere... worried about all the enclosed old spaces around here, even after the 'great upending' of this place. In fact despite the snow, a friend wants the wood kitchen stove he bought.... gotta watch my back literally |: The other one went for... 3$ probably scrapped. Fucking awful what happened here.

Positive. The van is sealed pretty tight. Dunno how any mice can get in there.

Have fun with the trap setting.
Well be careful. Don't need ya throwing out your back or something.

I'm running back and forth from my room and the living room going from being on here to watching the 50th Anniversary thing for The Beatles being on The Ed Sullivan Show.

O_O There's no such thing as a 'sealed' vehicle, believe me. Mice can worm their way into anything, and there's lots of places they can get in from the firewall. Maybe production quality's gotten better, but they only need 1/2 an inch or so, being all cartilage and all.

Sometimes I think if the Beatles didn't show up, we'd have found Kennedy's real assassins |:

You have a point.....
Though I seriously have not seen any mice anywhere around during the winter.
Also we have roughly a foot of snow all over the ground. So I don't know how they'd manage to get through that JUST to get into the van.

Yeah........ ._.

We got about the same amount of snow, though it's in layers now. I'll let you knwo what happens with the dead drop trap... basically a large bucket with some peanut butter on the sides.. mouse get in, can't jump out.

Btw, has Zachary always been so pedantic and nit picky? Sometimes I wonder if it's because Tom doesn't mind talking to me... just before he made his new post, Tom said one of his boys almost got taken out by a frozen tree limb right before they were gonna head out. Had to cut it up before they could pull out... damn scary. He lost power for the better part of last week, but he said the freezing temps outside, made the temp inside his fridge not so bad, lol? Hopefully Wade got the milk before Tom chucked it...

Interesting >.>

Zachary as in the mod? I guess....not really as much as say poxpower is on a normal day to day basis. But I suppose he is a bit more than usual.

We lost power here a few days ago for a brief amount of time apparently. I guess it was out for maybe a half hour to about an hour. But I was asleep when this happened so it came as a surprise to me when I was told after I woke up. Then I made sure to check my computer to see if there were any problems with it and it's all good. Though I had my TV on and the channel it was on (Cartoon Network ._.) has been fucking up ever since. It's been cycling between having color and being in black and white and also the picture keeps moving all the time and is somewhat staticy. The audio is fine. But you can hardly tell what the hell you're watching. And it's ONLY on that channel. Every other one is as it was before that happened. Which I find weird.

Bet you missed this http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1360127/4#bbspost24974306_post_text
It's getting scary, there's still snow sticking to things and more coming.

I did miss that....thanks for showing me this. Dunno how to feel about that o.O

It's actually raining here at the moment. And a massive amount of the snow we had is melted. Though since we had well over a foot of snow EVERYWHERE here that'll cause a ton of flooding in my area. So YAY. Gonna be so much fun! :D

You been slackin' on comments O_O

Found you an engine http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=157_1392766195

Yeah I know....I've been busy with other stuff and haven't gotten a chance to comment as much as I'd like :/

That IS a pretty cool looking engine though.

Sorry to hear your GF got in trouble. I doubt you'd be able to see her at her house, and... enjoy her company as you would at your house :(

Yeah :/ Nah I wouldn't. Mainly because she has family around at all times. So...yeah.....

So, be careful when traveling with her.... http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/633987

Well that was....interesting......

ZJ isn't giving me his opinion on my little scheme... There was a time when hair buzzing was a valid charity event :\ Beats a dunking in a tank of water, or other socially awkward practices, like bidding on dates... idk ._.

I haven't gotten around to giving my opinion of it either....
The reason being is I was out and about and busy doing stuff like all day yesterday and wasn't on here since like 2 yesterday afternoon.

Um, have you lain your cat to rest yet? I'm thinking a heating pad with some wood over it, would thaw out the ground... and then leave the wood over top the grave for a while afterwards |:

Actually....no ._.
We haven't had a good day where it was warm enough to do any digging. And whenever it HAS been kinda warm it was immediately cold right after. So yeah....
We don't have any heating pads.

Place something black on top of the grass, even a garbage bag for 2 days, let the sun hit it. Scrape up the grass. make up napalm in 2 -3 cups, set fire till it burns out, dig, repeat.

Better to get a heating pad, can't cost more than 20$, gas kills grass and ground. Either way, keep scratching the ground

...I don't know how to make napalm o.O And thats not something I feel like googling.

We'll think of something I suppose.

Daaaaamn, just keep chipping away every early afternoon when its close to not freezing/
Napalm - styrofoam and gasoline

It's apparently supposed to get up to 42 on Sunday. So we might be able to do it then. But I don't know...

Thanks. We don't have any styrofoam though....

42 degrees, and so will your cat, might be best to put her in the freezer |: She'll thaw, but it takes a good long while for the ground to unfreeze, but you should be able to get a few inches started... I know water would help, but back filling with mud is messy

No...? You must be related to plains indians |: they didn't have styrofoam, aspirin, or all that other stuff you don't have :|

I don't think any of us are willing to put her in our freezer. We keep food in there. Not dead cats ._.
Also. APPARENTLY it's supposed to get up to about 50ish on Monday.

Well, it's not that. We just tend to throw it out because we have no use for it.