I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

Exp Points:
46,360 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.01 votes
Audio Scouts
Brig. General
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
11y 2m 8d



Gob, did you really play that Skunk game that many times? I couldn't get through 1/6 of it :< Way too repetitive and boring! I don't have time to play Guild Dungeons 2, but at least there, I gots quests to pass, and enough muscle to tear shit up! Gonna whoop me a dragon lol!

You CAN play it once and get all of the medals.
You just have to make sure no one died by the end and you'll get all 6 medals.

oh no.... emily's got a new vid in the Portal just now!
how long it take? seemed so repetitive!!1

I saw.
And it took like an hour and a half. But that was because my flash plug in crashed and I had to restart the game because the auto save wasn't working at the time.

Sorry aboot the browser bro

Just wrote a stellar review for it too! Should be on the first page or two of reviews, if you want to see it, after it passes judgement (shouldn't be long:) IDK, if she's just viciously street smart, or truly brilliant... or both prolly. You see pictures of her? She's gorgeous!!

gonna snooze out, peace man!

Ah its fine ._.

Well...I fanned both her and Sherbalex. So I saw that and the picture Sherbalex drew for her in my recent notifications.... I was in the chat the entire time she was on cam. So yea I saw her.

I did sit down in front of the camera between 11-12 Pico time, to say g'bye... did you hear my voice at least?

Yeah I did.
And I also saw you walking away from the camera.

balls I need some sleep, but I bombed tom's newspost... sick of seeing an all purple portal, ahem, classic portal ._. I fucking love this site too much

It DOES get annoying seeing nothing but purple.....

Srsly wondering if we'll ever see less than 50 UJ items in the Portal...

I doubt it'll happen for awhile. But it might happen at some point in the future.

95 movies and 54 games UJ, not 20 minutes ago ._.

Thats insanity ._.



Morning broseph... deliver the brother/papers this morning?

I tend to only deliver the papers on Saturdays. Though I had to do em on Monday because they left my dad's papers behind and had to go back to get them. They don't print the paper at the newspaper place anymore. They print them in some place like 3 hours away.

3 hours? Sucks exponentially :| Yeah, they started doing that here too (multiple newspapers using one place to print), but since everythings pretty close to teach other, isn't too bad :\
Really getting sick of the crack-head traffic all around me.... I'm sure you've never seen so many cars before.

I think they still have the printer things in the building though. Which is weird since they haven't been used in years....
How many cars? ._.

Again, same here... The newsprinting place I visited at 16 is still there....... no, they scraped the gear :\

A shit load... I should try Pop's cell phone for a crappy video at rush-hour..

The newspaper place that we deliver papers for has been around since the like the 1800s. As for the building...I dont know. I wanna say its been there since the 40s.

Then you're probably right about me not having seen that many cars before. Well....except maybe at a car show. The last one they have every year around here usually has upwards of 1000 cars.

Say... you got a shot of the (any) Studebaker? What's the interior layout like?
It's all about teh drivers position in my book :|

Nah. We tend to not take pics of our cars for really any reason.
Unless we're selling one or something.

How's things in the BBS? Any intelligence to report?

Okay I guess. Pretty much the same old same old ._.

Wow, you got 40 fans! Hey I found your name on a most prestigious list! If you look one page up from the bottom, there you are!! Wish I was on there :( Congrats mon!!
<a href="http://bahamut.webs.com/expusers.htm">http://bahamut.webs.com/expusers.htm</a>

I'm on there!!!?!????!?!! o.O

Though I think they need to update that.
I have 220 more exp points than what it says I have on there and am ranked #2707 and not #2888 anymore.

...just look at her work as it comes in
and if you feel like it, say what you liked about it
I'm only reviewing her stuff for the saem reason I do other reviews...
ConTroL >:) (oh, ah, love, hope & support)

I suck at reviewing though ._.
No matter what it is, haha. It's why I almost never review stuff.

Portal's broken (<a href="http://gerkinman.newgrounds.com/news/post/843922">http://gerkinman.newgrounds.com/news/post/8439 22</a>), now the FP is broken (or at least back to pre-2012 redesign... Sometimes I feel like Tom's the only one who cares about the guts of NG, the rest of the guys are single.... guess its still a lot for only a few ppl to run :\

I'm aware of the situation regarding the portal ._.
SOMETHING seriously has to be done about all of that....

Now there's serious sunspots going on too.... sis can't get online, I barely can... sat TV is out (sis told me, I never use it except for weather), and the TV at pyhs therapy was all freezing and blocky.. <a href="http://www.spaceweather.com/">http://www.spaceweather.com/</a> Sunspot number's kinda high :|

Huh.. I wasn't having any issues with anything today

OK, how would you fix NG? Did you read Tom's responses in Gerkinman's post?! Saying votes don't matter... then... how do we get a top 5. daily, weekly and monthly? Think he froze his brain banana......
Yeah, if you had sat TV or were pretty far away from a wireless hub, or had a cell phone, you'd notice :| It didn't bug me too much.

I honestly have no idea. But for the first time in I don't know how long I just witnessed the Classic Portal NOT being all purple. It was a thing of beauty ;-;

But....I do have a cell phone ._.

Only 43 of 50 are purple!!1
Yea, but you didn't use it yesterday, eh?
I should be sleeping, but I finished the treatment (outline opener gameplay) for game #1 90 minutes ago... 2 more to go.

It's awesome right!!???!?!?!? o:
I did....I had no issues with it.
I woke up around 3ish (my time) and decided to stay up because I fell asleep before 9 and didn't get my exp. So I got my exp and voted on new stuff that I didn't see yet because I was asleep. Then I posted a bit in the forums and now have 5,600 posts :3

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