I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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hey i may not be the best speller but i know math!
that...um.....dats cool i guess ._. O.o

im not the best speller either...
and i was okay at math but not so much anymore ._.

i guess? ._.

math is fun depending on who teaches it -_-
that a lie! dats not cool at all!! :U

my math class junior year was fun because my teacher Mrs. Ferguson was an old German person that came here from Germany and spoke with a REALLY heavy accent and you could hardly understand her and she got mad REALLY easily. i always paid attention in her class and laughed to myself when she made someone in my class cry because she yelled at him so much :D

and you're right its not cool...

Math is only fun when you have money to count... although those bills sure do follow.
Good math teachers should be paid more, cause they are so hard to find!
Yeah, I had some yellers and some taped-up yard stick guys and one or two that did the nails on the blackboard trick. It's like kryptonite to little girls.... screeeeee.

ha yeah youre right.

they should!
seriously even though she was a very angry teacher she was a really good teacher too

hahaha KRYPTONITE!!!

If you ever wanna watch a whacked movie on the subject, Teachers fit the bill. It's kinda old but, it works. I prefer the Class of Nuke em High and The Class of 1999 myself... they were like a whole school year wrapped up in one little movie.

i might look those up eventually...

woo Pokemon sound! :D
Mrs.Ferguson? oh my blob! dat was my middle school assistant principals name! (except she wasnt German she was black) O.O she was also in charge of all the suspensions and detention shit! she quit because of me! :D
i had a Korean math teacher with a rly heavy accent. there was a girl named Susie there but he couldnt say her name right so she was known as Sushi for the rest of 8th grade :)
he was also the dude that got me crying bc of school :(

woo O:

i dont think she was also kinda short with blonde hair either...
sounds like this one teacher i had whos name escapes me at the moment...she quit after i finished her class.
ive never had a Korean or really any other Asian country teacher
they were: Panamanian, German, and i guess...American?

how did he do that?

a lot of my previous teachers and principals did dat.........one principal actually made an announcement bout it saying how i had stabbed his eye and was rude to his wife and all :) it was funny
i dont rly wanna talk bout it i just mentioned it cuz u said dat one teacher made some dude cry ._.

well my step brother stabbed his principal in the arm with a pencil and snapped off the end and its still in his arm ._.

You guys were not model inmates of the school system either, huh?
Pretty rare for me but, there was this one teacher's husband I severely pissed off.. dude was frickin huge! I get get bit hard enough... somebody's getting bit back.
The gym teachers always liked me, even though I was kinda thin. I was usually the one to calm the teachers down when things got rough.

guess not...

what happened O_O

my gym teacher was crazy...and i mean like insane. she kept running around the gym like a psycho and screaming stuff and all that...she was also a lesbian and liked watch the girls change in the locker room ._.

plz share sir
so she was a pervy lesbian?? O.o
one of my gym teachers were pervs since i was in the boys basketball team he said i couldnt go in the locker room alone and that he had to watch to see i wasnt doing anything i wasnt supposed to ._.
but all my other gym teachers were actually pretty cool

i guess...
she used offered the girls in the class to ehm adjust their bras while they were changing, she pretty much sat in and watched them change , and stuff like that...not really that much of a perv but you get what im saying...
hmm...dont know if he should have been allowed to do that...
just sayin...

the other gym teacher was also a drivers ed teacher and he got fired recently for drunk driving ._.

i guess i do.....
i dont think he was.....
thats hillariously ironic XD
my husky was run over by a drunk 13 year old ._.


it is XD
seriously pretty much ALL of the drivers ed class they said to NOT drink and drive

theres usually giant posters or something almost EVERYWHERE that lists wat NOT to do while driving and pretty much everyone avoids looking at it -_-

but they kept practically yelling what the posters and all that crap said during the classes too...

well i wouldnt know bc i didnt take classes -_-
but everyone mustve not been paying attention cuz i dont think anyone in those classes rly cared ._.

thats weird...

guess not ._.

I was lucky to have the most qualified driver's ed (also phys ed) teacher.
Ex-military guy. He saw that I listened to him and he respected me, as did all the gym teachers I had.
The driving stuff second nature to me, having driven machines from 9 yrs old on. Only a few wild stories and no big whoops on my part. I had good instincts in traffic... it's at intersections you forget what idiots there are on the road.

the teacher before that teacher was highly qualified to teach the class
and whenever the teacher was sick or something they called him in to teach the class
and it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better with him teaching than the other guy

ive been driving since...i got my drivers permit

<a href="http://dave.newgrounds.com/movies/">http://dave.newgrounds.com/movies/</a> If you can find something funnier than this on Newgrounds, I will mail you a pizza sized cookie!

i'll try to find something

because i want that pizza sized cookie >:D

hunting time!!

for who D:
or what?

Hunting for fun-fun's!
Dave's a little older than me, but he's good people.
If you don't lol at his work, it's time for new medication.

ah okay

ya know i never hear people saying someone is "good people" really ever...
boggles the mind doesnt it

well i probably need medication for something...
i dont take any even though i probably should
considering im somewhat Manic Depressive
and a host of other various things

hunting for something funnier....

ah okay

"I called purple penis!"


i dont even wanna ask ._.

yeah i wouldnt...

I'm asking for you. :l

yeah :|

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