I am a calm laid back individual who is usually asleep. But when I'm not its hard to tell I'm not trying to be asleep. I play guitar/bass in my spare time. And listen to various genres of music. Predominately metal and rock.

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/18/10

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10.01 votes
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10y 11m 24d

wow it just upgraded from slightly amusing to absolutely amusing :)

Guns: they tend to settle the argument rather decisively, do they not?
Anyway, all the internet is (outside of flash mobs) is academic; just hot air through the engine. Debate is nitpicking the details and playing morality games no one can truly answer, 'till they're there, right in the middle of it, and it comes time to choose. Then there is no pretense or lingual maneuvering to resolve the situation.

BLAAAAAAAAAAAA everyone lies anyway. Contents may settle during shipping though. I'm not amused by my last 2 sentences.

ie never been so confused in my entire life (of course i have -_-) what is this even about and where the fuck did it some from?


Not stupid, just playing games.

I should certainly visit the desert. The beauty of the universe before my eyes. Yes, that would be good.

i wish the night sky i look up at looked like that. Shame...thats what this world has come to.

i agree with you on that...

Guess it's mostly the light contamination. Mountains and high mesas have less atmosphere to look through. The view above 5 or 6 thousand feet... yowza, that's something to write sci-fi about.
The guy who wrote the Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy radio show and books, went pub crawling one night, passed out in the country looking up at stars like that (picture above). And the rest is literary history.

i wish i could see stuff like that :/
theres too much light pollution here so i only see plain stars and nothing cool like that. hell we were supposed to have a meteor shower here a few weeks ago or something like that and i went outside and there was NO clouds what so ever and i saw NOTHING

youre not playing games,youre trying to find a way out.
because you are stupid,an ignorant.

like phycologists :)

i like trains :)

Okay, I take your accusations.

so you admit you're a phycologist? O.o or just stupid and ignorant?

its weird what happens when i just sit back and dont say ANYTHING to people on my newspost for awhile
seriously its been 4 days and nothing really productive has happened

yup stuck with teh ghey baseball bat I see

yeah :/
im close to getting the piece of wood with the nails or whatever the hell is in it though :D
and when i say close i mean in exactly 1 week. so soon really soon i will level up
although i checked and if i deposited experience everyday i was on here id be level 23 right now...so that was a big downer for me cause it'd be awesome being that high of a level right now...

yup da magic of "lettin things happen" so far its been sorta entertaining but not random and ones moved on to a different subject so u can kinda call this week a fail -_-..................................
....i just noticed that on the bottom right corner on the pic it said Eric Hines Photography : I

this week was a failure
i was seriously trying to see what would happen if i didnt say anything or start my own conversations or change subjects or anything like that
i hope next week wont be a fail...
i just noticed that too :|

I would be like lvl30+

notice your being active on the bbs

and that i am
i decided id go on there today just for the hell of it

Why take to the BBS?

i dont know
i just felt like going on there
i pretty much never even click the forums button


i prefer the blogs over the forums...

hmm for some TOTALLY RANDOM reason Eric Hines sounds familiar to me............. GOOGLE TIME!!!! :D -yay google! :)-

weird thing is...
it sounds familiar to me too O:

actually...me too...why is that?
also i like the bow they put on your baseball bat, just noticed that

i have no idea
i think it makes it look distinguished, and you did? weird...and in 6 days i get to be a piece of wood with nails or something in it with a bow on it :D

In general, I prefer the BBS. Everything is layered out there for you. With blogs, there's thousands of them, and you have to go hunting for what you want. It's a dull process.

yeah you have a point
but i'll always be a blog person not a forum person

I only like the layout. To tell you the truth, context-wise, neither of them are that interesting. Not by the standards of what I am looking for.

well they are both good and bad at some points