Ooh! You still making stuff, any new music on the way? What part do you play in this? The sound definitely feels a bit garage-like here but I love the vibe, great voice, lyrics too... this has potential!
Hope it wasn't a one-off thing, seeing how the second release was instrumental only...
Judging from "DitchWitch", its a pretty nice song from the band. It gives off a garage band vibe to it with how the instruments sound and how the recording style is. This definitely feels like something honoring the 80s or 90s version of metal with the lyrics talking about a medieval setting with witch involved.
My favorite thing about this is how eerie and relaxing the beginning was, and how at bridge was where everything went into chaos, but calmed down at the end. My only complaint here would be about the volume control on the vocals since they sounded pretty weak, but seeing how it's a demo version, I could imagine how the final version will be better. I hope you and the rest of Mantis Queen have a nice success.
Yeah we weren't the happiest with how it sounded in terms of volume levels across the board but out of the few times we recorded it that day it ended up being the better recording so we went with it.